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Project Outdoors Prioritization Survey

How can outdoor opportunities be improved in northwest Fort Collins? Residents are invited to help connect youth and families to the outdoors through places, career pathways, and programs.

In this survey you will rank potential projects, suggested by the community. The projects are in two categories; places (physical infrastructure to connect people to nature) and programs (classes, field trips, internships and other programming to connect people to the outdoors).
Please read the descriptions of Places options, consider the cost and feasibility and then order your choices, 1-9 with 1 as your highest priority and 9 as your lowest priority.
1: Trail Connection Between Lincoln Middle School and Poudre Trail

Trail would connect pedestrians and bikes to the entire Poudre Trail system, including natural areas, parks and downtown. Currently Shields and Taft Hill Rd are the only access points in the neighborhood. Related to “Enhance Trail Connection.”

COST: $300,000

2: Enhance Trail Connection

The trail connection could be a place to learn and play for neighborhood families, school students, and Boys & Girls Club members. Ideas include an outdoor classroom, nature playground, bike park elements, and habitat plantings.

Dependent on trail connection.

COST: $100,000

3: Learning Garden Shared by Lincoln MS and Boys & Girls Club

Construction of a new Learning Garden. Work with existing Garden Team, Boys & Girls Club, Kitchen Community, Gardens on Spring Creek and Sproutin’ Up.

Related to K-5th grade after-school and summer programs, 6th-8th grade in-school programs.

COST: $600,000

4: Outdoor Classroom at Poudre High School

Create a outdoor classroom with seating, plan and construct a trail around the wetland area west of the school and improve the wildlife habitat to make a more effective learning space, especially for students in the Natural Resources track.

Related to 9-12th grade in-school programs.

COST: $100,000

5: Huidekoper Park Enhancements

Improve the park west of the Boys & Girls Club/Lincoln Middle School to include more nature play elements, better access, and additions determined with Poudre School District Facilities, City of Fort Collins Parks and the voices of Boys & Girls Club members and the Lincoln Middle School community.

Related to K-8th grade after-school and summer programs.

COST: $300,000

FEASIBILITY - Very Challenging
6: Putnam Learning Garden Enhancements

Improve the Kitchen Community Garden and natural landscaping to support outdoor learning and play.

Related to in-school programs for K-6th grade.

COST: $10,000

7: Learning Landscape and Greenhouse at Irish Elementary

Revitalize the outdoor classroom by cleaning it up and adding seating. Construct a greenhouse for year-round garden learning.

Related to K-6th grade in-school programs.

COST: $100,000

8: Sidewalks on Vine Drive between Shields and Taft Hill Road

Provide a safe pedestrian route for the whole community linking schools and neighborhoods.

Related to after-school and summer programs.

COST: $300,000

9: Outdoor Gear Library

Provide free (or low cost) outdoor gear for check-out to make getting outside easier. Locations might include Boys & Girls Club or Northside Aztlan Center.

Related to after-school and summer programs.

COST: $100,000

1. Please order your choices 1-9, with 1 as your highest priority and 9 as your lowest priority. Note: for the following table each column is restricted to a single answer across all rows.