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Quick Resilience Survey

Let's Get Started on Resilience

This is a short, seven question survey to self-assess how well you attend to life areas that boost your resilience and meaning. "Attend to" is about time and energy investment - how much time and/or energy you invest in these areas.

Our research shows that there are six "portals" to resilience, i.e. six doorways that boost resilience and life meaning. The model at this link summarizes these areas -
Six Portals of Resilience 
Six Portals of Resilience 
2. How well do I attend to (i.e. invest time and energy into):
Physical Health? (Eat healthy, exercise, sleep/rest, making healthy choices such annual wellness checks with your doctor or returning to better nutrition after "stress eating) *This question is required.
1 Poorly2 Below Average but not Poorly3 Average4 Above Average but not Great5 Great
3. How well do I attend to (i.e. invest time and energy into):
Mental Health (Let things go, avoid perfectionism, live by my values, embrace growth & learning, remain flexible/open, maintain a positive attitude, show kindness, de-stress) 
1 Poorly2 Below Average but not Poorly3 Average4 Above Average but not Great5 Great
4. How well do I attend to (i.e. invest time and energy into):
Faith/Spirit/Nature (Pray, reflect, be present, meditate, do yoga, be in nature, me-time, practice faith)
1 Poorly2 Below Average but not Poorly3 Average4 Above Average but not Great5 Great
5. How well do I attend to (i.e. invest time and energy into):
Community of Support (Time with family & friends, ask for & accept help)
1 Poorly2 Below Average but not Poorly3 Average4 Above Average but not Great5 Great
6. How well do I attend to (i.e. invest time and energy into):
Enjoyment & Pleasure (Set aside time for vacations, invest in hobbies & creative outlets, invest time in being with my animals/pet, invest time in relaxation/leisure/fun)
1 Poorly2 Below Average but not Poorly3 Average4 Above Average but not Great5 Great
7. How well do I attend to (i.e. invest time and energy into):
Priority Management (Practice time management, set boundaries, practice financial discipline, give myself flexibility)
1 Poorly2 Below Average but not Poorly3 Average4 Above Average but not Great5 Great