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Expanding Our Understanding of Symptoms Associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder & Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome


Study to be Conducted at:
Greenville Health System
Patewood Medical Campus
200 Patewood Dr.
Suite 200A
Greenville, SC 29615

Principal Investigator:
Manuel Casanova, MD

Emily Casanova, PhD

You are being asked to participate in a research study. The Institutional Review Board of the Greenville Health System has reviewed this study for the protection of the rights of human participants in research studies, in accordance with federal and state regulations. However, before you choose to be a research participant, it is important that you read the following information and ask as many questions as necessary to be sure that you understand what your participation will involve.

Purpose and Procedures:
We are looking for adults 25 years of age or older (or legal guardians of adults who fulfill those same criteria) to participate in a survey study. The purpose of this research is to expand our understanding of the types and frequency of certain medical symptoms experienced in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS)/Joint Hypermobility Syndrome (JHS), and their families. We are also interested in studying the same medical issues in the general population. You are being asked to participate because you are one of the following:
  1. An adult 25 years of age or older with a diagnosis of ASD and/or EDS/JHS.
  2. A legal guardian of an adult 25 years of age or older who would like to answer the survey on his/her behalf.
  3. An adult 25 years of age or older who has a close family member with ASD and/or EDS/JHS.
  4. An adult 25 years of age or older who would like to participate as a control case for this study.
We plan to enroll at least several hundred people in this study. Your participation will involve answering an online survey to the best of your abilities. This should take approximately 15-25 minutes.

Possible Risks and Benefits:
There are no known medical risks related to participation in this study. The greatest risk is the possible release of your personal information with the investigators. However, this survey is anonymous and we will not be collecting any identifying information. Your survey answers are considered confidential, but absolute confidentiality cannot be guaranteed. This study may result in presentations and publications. There are no direct benefits to you that would result from your participation in the study.

Although you will not receive compensation for participating in this study, this research may help us to understand ASD and EDS better. This knowledge can help scientists and doctors develop better treatments for the varied symptoms associated with these conditions that may affect you and/or people you know.

Voluntary Participation:
Participation in this study is completely voluntary (your choice). You may refuse to participate or withdraw prior to submitting your survey. If you refuse to participate or stop the survey, you will not be penalized or lose any benefits. However, because your submission is anonymous, we will not be able to remove your data from the study afterwards. So please be certain you want to participate prior to submission. Your decision will not affect your relationship with the investigators or any relationship you may have with the Greenville Health System.

Contact for Questions:
For more information concerning this study and research-related risks or injuries, or to give comments or express concerns or complaints, you may contact the principal investigator, Manuel Casanova, at (864) 454-4595. You may also contact a representative of the Institutional Review Board of the Greenville Health System for information regarding your rights as a participant involved in a research study or to give comments or express concerns, complaints, or offer input. You may obtain the name and number of this person by calling (864) 455-8997.

An additional survey about your experience with this informed consent process is located at the following website: Participation in the above survey is completely anonymous and voluntary and will not affect your relationship with the Greenville Health System. If you would like to have a paper copy of this survey, please tell the principle investigator.
1. Do you agree to participate in this survey study? Please read the options below carefully. *This question is required.
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