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Services for sexual assault - AUCD questionnaire


Thank you for participating in this request for information. The questionnaire should take not more than five minutes.

The National Council on Disability (NCD) is interested in understanding your perspective on college services and supports regarding sexual assault on campus – from prevention to reporting, to post assault support, and how victims with disabilities fare within those structures. This is a high profile research request; the data will be used by NCD to inform Congress and the White House with insight needed to make informed policy that improves the ability of colleges to provide services, supports, and ultimately, improved outcomes for students with disabilities that are survivors of sexual assault on campus.
Participation in the questionnaire is completely voluntary, and you may quit the survey at any point.

Privacy: The questionnaire is being conducted and data analyzed by an independent evaluator, RTI International. RTI keeps your responses anonymous. RTI presents data in summary format only.

Once again, thank you very much for your participation! If you have any questions about this questionnaire, please contact Nitya Venkateswaran, RTI International, at or at 510.665.8249.