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Career Readiness Program 2.0 Years 2-5: Extern Experience Survey

1. Personal Contact Information
2. Extern Information
3. Gender
4. Race/Ethnicity
5. Where was the externship held? (Select all that apply)
6. Please describe how you learned about the faculty externship opportunity.
7. Please tell us which departments you visited during the externship.
8. How prepared was the production staff for your externship experience?
Not at all preparedSomewhat preparedCompletely prepared
9. Which of the following best describes how structured the externship was?
10. In your opinion, what would be the ideal structure for an externship experience?
11. From your experience as an extern, please rate the level of importance of the different experiences listed below. (Please think about what were the most useful experiences you had and the most important ideas, concepts, or information learned from your externship.)
a. Learning current common practices of skills within my area of focus
Not importantSlightly importantModerately importantImportantVery importantDid not observe / Not Applicable
b. Better understanding of how the departments work collaboratively
Not importantSlightly importantModerately importantImportantVery importantDid not observe / Not Applicable
c. Increasing knowledge of the types of work and jobs in the motion picture industry
Not importantSlightly importantModerately importantImportantVery importantDid not observe / Not Applicable
d. Ability to talk to department heads in person and ask questions
Not ImportantSlightly importantModerately importantImportantVery importantDid not observe / Not Applicable
12. What are some ways this externship can be improved?
Please identify ways this externship could have been improved. (Select all that apply)
13. Externship Experience
Would you recommend the externship experience to your peers?
15. Would you be willing to elaborate on your externship experience by providing a testimonial video to the California Film Commission for future use?

If you're ready to create a video, go to the following link for instructions: