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FY17 ASOST-Q Year-End & Continuation Data Report

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Quality Enhancements in After-School and Out-of-School Time Programs Grant (ASOST-Q)
FY17 Year-End / FY18 Continuation Data Report

This data report for continuation grant funds includes end-of-year program reporting for current fiscal year 2016-2017 (FY17) grant activities, as well as proposed activities for FY18. 

Proposing to use any portion of the funds during the School Year only (Sept 2017-June 2018):  September 7, 2017
Proposing to use funds during School Year and Summer (Sept 2017-Aug 2018): September 21, 2017
Proposing to use funds during Summer only (July - Aug 2018): September 21, 2017
This question requires a valid email address.
4. Please select the category in which you were funded?
5. Quality Enhancement Areas: In which of the following areas were program enhancements implemented using grant funds? (please check all that apply)
6. Number (#) of students served or who benefited in FY17 and who will benefit in FY18 from quality enhancement, professional development or service learning activities by grade-level - enter numbers only please
Space Cell SY 2016-2017Summer 2017SY 2017-2018Summer 2018
Percentage (%) of students served or who benefited in FY17 and will benefit in FY18 from quality enhancement or service-learning related activities by special population - enter numbers only please
Space Cell SY 2016-2017Summer 2017SY 2017-2018Summer 2018
Economically Disadvantaged (formerly Low-Income)
English Language Learners
Students with Disabilities
For which of the following did your ASOST-Q grant specifically set out to improve outcomes for students? (check all that apply)
B. For which of the following did your ASOST-Q grant result in improvements (based on data collected from students, parents, teachers, etc.)
Space Cell Specific Focus/Goal of ProgramImproved as A Result of Program
Academic engagement
School connection
Family engagement
Staff and student relationships
Peer to peer relationships
Other Social and Emotional Skills (e.g., self management, self awareness, social awareness, decision making)
Grades in school
Academic assessment scores (e.g., local benchmark, MCAS, etc.)
College and career readiness
Other (please specify)
Number (#) of sessions offered and participants - enter numbers only please

  • Include multi-day series as one session.
  • Total participants may include duplicates if an individual attended more than one session.
Average # of hours students engaged in service-learning curriculum-related activities (by grade-level) - enter numbers only please
Do you have plans to share your curriculum with other programs?
Please indicate how interested you are in participating in each of the following with your team during FY18. Teams are required to participate in at minimum a kickoff, on-site coaching and reflective practice session.
Space Cell Not At All InterestedSomewhat InterestedVery Interested
Service-Learning 101 (2-day training for new staff)
Science Curriculum Topic Study 101 (for new staff)
Guided Discovery Lesson Sharing
On-site, program-specific coaching
Future Training/PD - Topics: How interested are you in future training/PD offerings on each of the following topics? Please add any additional topics of interest in the sections provided below.
Space Cell Very InterestedSomewhat InterestedA Little InterestedNot Interested
Behavior Management / Conflict Resolution
Developing Curriculum Aligned to ESE and/or EEC Frameworks/Guidance
Digital Learning / Using Technology
Family Engagement and Involvement
Networking Opportunities
Literacy Strategies
Project-Based Learning
Program Evaluation (Using measurement tools: APT, SACERS, YPQA, etc.)
Social-Emotional Learning
Student Assessment
Student Leadership/Voice
Supervising Staff
Support English Language Learners
Supporting Students with Disabilities
Future PD/Training - Format: Please tell us how likely you are to participate in the following PD/TA formats.
Space Cell Very LikelySomewhat LikelyNot Likely
Face-to-face (1-day)
Face-to-face (2-day)
Hybrid (some virtual, some face-to-face)