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Weekly Witness Survey

Thank you for participating in Texas Impact’s Weekly Witness program during the 85th legislative session! This was our first session to hold Weekly Witness.

Many people have asked us if we will continue Weekly Witness through the legislative interim, and the answer is yes! BUT we need your help as we adjust our programming to meet your needs during this important time in Texas.

Please take this brief survey to help us design Weekly Witness events and resources that best meet your needs and keep you engaged.

Thanks in advance for your assistance and for everything you do to make Texas a better place!
1. How many Weekly Witness events did you attend...
2. Did you contact a legislator using Weekly Witness information...
5. When session is over, faith voices will still be needed in the policy debate—and Texas Impact wants to know how we can help you engage! Please rank the following in terms of how likely you would be to participate: Order the items from the following list. First select an item with the spacebar to show a menu of possible ranking positions. Next, click a ranking position to order it in the ranked list. Note the menu will display more ordering options as you add items to the ranked list.
6. How often would you be likely to...
Space Cell WeeklyBi-WeeklyMonthlyQuarterlyN/A
Attend an in-person meeting
Participate in a webinar/Facebook Live event
Listen to a 30-minute podcast
7. Which of the following topics would be interesting to you?
9. Which of the following would you like to see Weekly Witness provide during the interim?