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10th Anniversary Congress Speaker Application


The 10th Green Spa Network Congress will be held at Carmel Valley Ranch in Northern California on March 11-14, 2018.  We are delighted that you are interested in being considered for a speaking/presentation opportunity.  Please note that Green Spa Network is a Non-Profit Organization and is not paying speakers to attend at this time.    

This year's theme is Inspire Action and Create Community Through Storytelling.  Proposed presentations should support this theme.  The types of speaking/presentation opportunities available include:

  1. “Green Gab” Sustainability or Vitality Topics – Ted Talk format                                        
      Sustainability and/or Vitality experts will tell their story in a “Ted Talk” format and time frame to inspire others to action.  This talk will be given to the entire audience.  Content should include at least one compelling call to action (implied or implicit).                                   
    Length:  18 minutes (15 min presentation, 3 min Q&A)
  2. Concurrent Sessions – Day 1 (Sustainability) | Day 2 (Vitality/Wellness)
    Selected members and outside experts will present sustainability and vitality information in one of the following tracts: Marketing, Operations & Finance, Leadership and Personal Care.  This year, we are particularly interested in the areas of sustainable agriculture, architecture, development, space planning for wellness spaces, energy movement/consumption and water topics.  Presentations may take on any of the following formats or other creative learning delivery method: presentation, interactive sessions, panel discussion, case study, etc.
    Length: 45-60 Minutes
  3. Round Table Moderators – Pre and Post Congress                                       
    Objective: Moderate a round table of 10-12 Thought Leaders for two hours around topics of sustainability.  Participants are hand-selected and invited based on their area of expertise.                                                                                     
    Length:  2 Hours per session



Request for Speaker/Application Close Date: July 31, 2017

Speaker Selection Announcements:  August 15, 2017