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Questionnaire “Support for monitoring and implementation of the Cost Reduction Directive SMART 2015/0066” NETWORK OPERATORS (NON-COMMUNICATION PROVIDERS)



On behalf of the European Commission (Directorate General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology), WIK-Consult, VVA and Ecorys are conducting a study on the implementation of Directive 2014/61/EU on measures to reduce the cost of deploying high-speed electronic communications networks (the Cost Reduction Directive).


The Cost Reduction Directive aims to promote the spread of fast broadband networks by reducing its costs through

  • facilitating shared use of existing infrastructure, and
  • the coordinated deployment of new infrastructure within the electronic communications sector, and across other sectors such as energy, transport and water.

Our study collects baseline data to support subsequent monitoring and evaluation of the Directive, and provides a summary of first results in the period following the application of the Directive. It will support the implementation of the Directive, through identifying good practices and formulating recommendations for policymakers as well as economic operators. The study will identify key regulatory solutions and other elements that support cross-sector infrastructure sharing and co-deployment. It will strive to identify new business models and innovation in cross-sectoral co-operation. Finally, the study will analyse standardisation efforts in the field of in-building infrastructure and broadband-ready labels.


The main purpose of this survey is to collect input from operators from the energy, water and transport sectors on their experience with, and views on, the application of the Directive, as well as important complementary data for monitoring purposes.


Our intention is to collate and report on the answers per sector and country, without identifying specific respondents. However, we may wish to cite more elaborated responses. Please let us know therefore if you wish your response to be confidential and not cited in the published report.  Your answers will be used solely for this study.
Basic information
1. Please provide following information: *This question is required.
3. How is your company (your business unit) best described in terms of its primary business activity? 
(Please indicate the one most relevant for your business unit with respect to the Directive)

Operator of physical infrastructure providing:
5. Is your company majority private or publicly held?
6. Is your company classified as a Small- or Medium-sized Enterprise?
(i.e. independent enterprise with staff below 250, annual revenue below €50 million or a balance sheet of below €43 million)
7. What is the geographic scope of your company’s operations?
8. What is the total length of the network you manage? Please indicate the total length of pipes or ducts and/or the total number of poles, whichever is applicable (your best estimate if not known precisely).
Space Cell 201520162017 Q1-2
Total pipes/duct length (km)
Total number of poles
9. Is your company active in your country in the provision of electronic communication network services?
Article 3 - Access to existing infrastructure (e.g., ducts, poles, masts)
10. How many requests for access to your existing physical infrastructure have you received (if any) with a view to deploying high-speed electronic communications networks? Please also indicate the total length of ducts or the total number of poles (or km of aerial access) concerned by these requests (your best estimate if not known precisely).
Space Cell 201520162017 Q1-2
Number of requests
Total duct length concerned (km)
Total number of poles concerned and/or distance of aerial access (km)
11. What is the typical level of access to your networks requested from you?
12. If requests received, have you refused any of the requests, or could not agree on terms and conditions?
13. Is there any substantiated risk that the installation and/or operation of telecommunication infrastructure will have an adverse impact on the quality or reliability of your non-telecom infrastructure?
14. Is your primary business (e.g water, energy or transport infrastructure provision) subject to price regulation?
15. Are your regulated tariffs set in such a way as to allow you to retain additional revenues from granting access to your physical infrastructure?
15. If you offer access to your physical infrastructure, on what basis are the charges set?
16. Does the provision of access entail any additional capex or operational costs?
17. Are you able to recover these costs through the charges for providing access?
17. Are there transparent rules and procedures in place concerning how costs for shared infrastructure (such as ducts or poles) should be split between your core business and the part used for the installation of telecom infrastructure?
18. Do your regulated tariffs enable you to (temporarily) retain cost savings associated with sharing physical infrastructure or co-deployment?
19. In your view, does providing infrastructure access to communications providers present an advantage or disadvantage for your business?
20. Have you experienced any change in ease of telecommunication network operators’ access to physical non-telco infrastructure like yours since the implementation of the Directive (1 July 2016)?
21. How satisfied are you overall with the regulations allowing telecommunication network operators to access physical non-telecommunication infrastructure like yours to deploy their networks?
Very DissatisfiedDissatisfiedNeitherSatisfiedVery Satisfied
Article 4 - Information location and use of physical infrastructure
22. How many requests have you received for access to information on your existing physical infrastructure (including site visits). Please give your best estimate if the precise number is not known.
Space Cell 201520162017 Q1-2
Number of requests
23. What is the typical level of infrastructure for which information is requested from you?
24. Did you refuse any of these requests?
25. Are you aware of a single information point in your country/region where information on existing physical infrastructure can be obtained electronically?
26. Have you provided information to this single information point concerning your existing infrastructure?
26. How satisfied were you with the single information point?
Very DissatisfiedDissatisfiedNeitherSatisfiedVery Satisfied
26. Have you experienced any change in the process for providing information concerning existing infrastructure since the implementation of the Directive (1 July 2016)?
27. How satisfied are you overall with the provisions in your jurisdictions enabling information on existing physical infrastructure?
Very DissatisfiedDissatisfiedNeitherSatisfiedVery Satisfied
Article 5 - Co-ordination of civil works by publicly financed bodies
28. How many requests have you received for coordination of civil works with relation to new physical infrastructure involving high-speed electronic communication networks? Please give your best estimate if not known precisely.
Space Cell 201520162017 Q1-2
Number of requests
29. What is the typical level of infrastructure for which a coordination of civil works is requested from you?
30. Did you refuse any of these requests?

If you co-deploy with electronic communication providers, on what basis are the costs shared?

32. Are you aware of rules issued by the relevant national authority in your member state which provide guidance concerning the conditions and costs of coordination?
33. How satisfied are you with these rules?
Very DissatisfiedDissatisfiedNeitherSatisfiedVery Satisfied
33. Do you experience any difference in the costs of civil works when these are coordinated with a communications network operator?
34. Have you experienced any change in coordination of civil works procedures since the implementation of the Directive (1 July 2016)?
35. How satisfied are you overall with the coordination of civil works procedures?
Very DissatisfiedDissatisfiedNeitherSatisfiedVery Satisfied
Article 6 - Information on ongoing and planned civil works
36. Have you received requests from communication network operators for access to information on your ongoing or planned civil works?
37. Did you refuse any of these requests, or substantially limited the information?
37. Are you aware of a single information point in your country/region where information on ongoing or planned civil works can be obtained electronically?
38. Have you made the requested minimum information on your civil works available via the single information point?
39. Have you experienced any change in access to information on civil works since the implementation of the Directive (1 July 2016)?
40. How satisfied are you overall with the access to information on civil works procedures?
Very DissatisfiedDissatisfiedNeitherSatisfiedVery Satisfied
Procedures at your company
41. Did your company devise specific procedures to deal with the following incoming requests (including criteria for possible refusal or limitation)?
•    Requests for access to physical infrastructure (Art 3)
•    Requests for access to information on physical infrastructure (Art 4)
•    Requests for coordination of civil works (Art 5)
•    Requests for information on ongoing or planned civil works (Art 6)
42. Does your company have a procedure to manage competing communication network operators’ access requests to your non-telecom infrastructure?
43. Do you have a standard contractual offer for:
Space Cell YesNo
Access to infrastructure
Dispute settlement
44. Were cases under the following types of disputes you were involved in brought to the national dispute settlement body? (Please tick all that apply)
45. What is approximate proportion of requests you received that were resolved on a voluntary basis and not brought to the dispute settlement body?
46. How satisfied are you overall with the dispute resolution body established for the application of the Directive?
Very DissatisfiedDissatisfiedNeitherSatisfiedVery Satisfied
General recommendations
47. Overall, do you perceive that the benefits of the Directive outweigh the costs?