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NYS Coalition Capacity Checklist 2017

Coalition Characteristics

2. Vision, mission and goals:  (with 1 being weak or never and 5 being strong or always)
Space Cell 12345Don't know or doesn't apply
Our coalition's vision, mission, and goals are clear and well-documented
Community residents are aware of our vision, mission and goals
Our coalition periodically re-assesses and updates its mission and goals
We evaluate our coalition's activities in light of its mission and goals
Our coalition's vision, mission, and goals consider the needs and views of the community
Coalition members agree with the coalition's vision, mission, and goals
3. Coalition structure and membership:
Space Cell 12345Don't know or doesn't apply
All of the necessary sectors of the community are represented
Our coalition membership includes more than just professional and organizational representation, i.e., parents, youth, etc
The majority of our coalition members are active in our meetings and/or activities
Coalition members roles and responsibilities are well-defined
Our coalition has active committees or work groups
The persons needed to attend coalition meetings are usually there
Members communicate with one another as needed (not just at scheduled meetings)