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Rapid Tests and Specifications for Construction of Asphalt-Treated Cold Recycled Pavements

Introduction and Survey Consent

NCHRP project 9-62 is underway and has the objectives of developing: (1) time-critical tests for asphalt-treated CIR, FDR, and CCPR materials, and (2) a guide specification using these tests for process control and product acceptance that provides the agency with a basis for determining when the pavement can be opened to traffic and surfaced. The project team asks for your participation by completing this stakeholder survey. There are no direct benefits to you in this study activity.

The researchers and the University of Nevada, Reno will treat your identity and the information collected about you with professional standards of confidentiality and protect it to the extent allowed by law. You will not be personally identified in any reports or publications that may result from this study. Your survey responses will be pooled with all other participants and reported in summary format (charts and common themes from text responses). The US Department of Health and Human Services, the University of Nevada, Reno Research Integrity Office, and the Institutional Review Board may look at your study records.

You may ask questions of the research team by calling Brian K. Diefenderfer at (434) 293-1944 or by sending an email to:

Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. Declining to participate or stopping your participation will not have any negative personal effects. 

Thank you for your participation in this study!



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* Required response
1. Do you give your consent? *This question is required.