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Gap Year and College Planning - Parents

Parents Gap Year and College Planning information survey

The information gathered from this survey will be used as one tool to help create a Gap Year and Post Secondary Plan.  It will be used to provide baseline information on the student. It will also be used to compare with the students survey to gain a better understanding of both the students and the parents/ guardians post secondary expectations. It will not be shared with anyone outside of the parent(s) / guardian and child.
5. Is this your first child that is planning on going to college?
11. Based on what you have observed or discussed with your child, what do you think might be their lifetime career choice? ( Check all that might apply) *This question is required.
  • * This question is required.
17. What other activities do you hope your child participates while in college? (check all that apply)
20. If your answer was yes to question 18, what would like to see you child accomplish during the Gap Year? (check all that apply)
25. How would or should your child pay for a Gap Year? (check all that apply)
26. What do you believe are your child's favorite subjects in school? (pick 3 or less) *This question is required.
27. What subject(s) does your child get the best grades in? (check all that apply)
28. What other activities does you child participate in beside academic classes? (check all that apply)  *This question is required.
32. Besides any money the family contributes towards tuition, how else should your child be paying for college? *This question is required.
33. What scholarships do you believe your child might be eligible for (check all that apply)  *This question is required.
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