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This self-assessment is designed to help you discover or confirm your spiritual gifts and to find which ministries may be a good fit for you at HBC Indy South. 

For the best results, answer each statement below according to who you are, not who you would like to be or think you ought to be. How true are these statements of you? What has been your experience? What do others tell you? 

For each statement below, tap or drag the slider to rate yourself from 1 to 4 based on the following definitions:

4 - Is definitely true of me / always describes me

3 - Is usually true of me / mostly describes me

2 - Is occasionally true of me / sometimes describes me

1 -  Is rarely true of me / never describes me
I am passionate about thoroughly studying the Bible and sharing what I've learned with others.
Rarely True
Definitely True
I tend to err on the side of truth rather than grace when providing counsel to someone. 
Rarely True
Definitely True
3. I am fulfilled by performing routine tasks in the church for God's glory.
Rarely True
Definitely True
I give cheerfully and generously above what is expected.
Rarely True
Definitely True
5. Some might say projects are more important to me than people are.
Rarely True
Definitely True
I love ministering to the sick, to the poor, and to the handicapped.
Rarely True
Definitely True
I am able to relate the truths of God to specific situations.
Rarely True
Definitely True