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Universal Credit Data Collection - as at August 31st

This survey aims to capture the impacts of Universal Credit on housing associations on a monthly basis.  

The information provided by members to the SFHA has been invaluable in giving us evidence to put before both the UK and Scottish Governments, as part of our lobbying on your behalf; we have also been able to use the evidence you provide in our submission to parliamentary committees which in their turn can hold their respective governments to account. 

The more evidence we can gather the stronger is our case. Regular returns build a vivid illustration of  trends and flag up concerns which it is in the DWP’s own interest, as much as their stakeholders, to consider.
The roll out of the Universal Credit Full Service will have a profound impact on your rent income management – both in terms of the upsurge in the caseload and the more complex variety of individual cases. If there is evidence that the system is not working well it is vital we draw attention to this – which is why we need and ask for your help and cooperation each month.

We would be grateful if you could fill this in as a snapshot of your current position as at 31st August 2017. This survey will close at 9am on Wednesday 25th October.

Thank you for all the effort you put into completing these surveys.
1. Contact details 

Please provide your details below: *This question is required.
Universal Credit Claimant Numbers
2. How many of your tenants are currently on UC (with housing costs) as at 31st August 2017?
3. The DWP is supposed to notify you of new claimants.

How many new claims in August, were you notified of by:
Space Cell Live serviceFull service
4. Of your new UC claimants in August, can you say how many were in arrears before their claim?
5. For new claimants that received their first payment in August how many of these claims managed to include housing costs?
This question requires a valid number format.
Alternative Payment Arrangements (APAs) / Managed Payments to Landlords (MPTLs)
7. Total number of MPTLs in place for your Housing Association/Co-Operative overall to August 2017?
8. Number of MPTLs requested during August?
9. Number of MPTLs granted during August?
10. How many MPTLs were discontinued/stopped in August?
Rent Increases
11. How many MPTLs have still to be adjusted following a rent increase in 2017?
This question requires a valid number format.
Third party deductions for rent arrears
13. Have you asked the DWP for any 3rd party deductions in August?
14. If so how many?
15. How many applications submitted for 3rd party deductions were granted during August?
16. To date, for tenants on UC, on live service
17. To date, for tenants on UC, on full service:
18. For any other tenants not on UC
Comments / feedback
19. Taking into account notifications, APA requests and 3rd party requests, do you think the live service from the DWP to landlords is:
20. Taking into account notifications, APA requests and 3rd party requests, do you think the full service from the DWP to landlords is:
21. If applicable, on a scale of 1-4 (where 1 is very poor and 4 is excellent), how would you rate the DWP's live service?
22. If applicable, on a scale of 1-4 (where 1 is very poor and 4 is excellent), how would you rate the DWP's full service?
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