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PiCSS - 2

Dear Participant,

I am Yusuf Akamoglu from the Department of Special Education at the University of Illinois. The Principal Investigator for this project is Dr. Hedda Meadan and I invite you to take part in a research project. The focus of the project is to rate the parent and child behaviors in several parent-child interaction videos. Participating in this study is completely voluntary.

If you are interested in taking part in this project, you will be asked to do the following:
  1. Watch six video recordings of parent-child interactions.
  2. Rate the parent and child behaviors
Each video clip will be 1 minute long. We anticipate that the session will take about 15-20 minutes. You will have the opportunity to provide your email address to be entered into a drawing for one of 20 $10 gift cards. We will not collect any identifying information about you. We do not foresee any risks to you as you participate in this study, beyond those that exist in your daily lives.  By participating in study, you will contribute to a research project and learn about parent-child interactions during storybook reading. P.S. IF YOU HAVE TROUBLE VIEWING THE VIDEOS, PLEASE TRY TO USE DIFFERENT BROWSERS (E.G., SAFARI, CHROME).

When this research is discussed or published, no one will know that you were in the study.  However, laws and university rules might require us to disclose information about your responses.  For example, if required by laws or University Policy, study information you supply may be seen or copied by the following people or groups: a) The university committee and office that reviews and approves research studies, the Institutional Review Board (IRB) and Office for Protection of Research Subjects; and b) University and State auditors, and Departments of the university responsible for oversight of research.

If you have any questions about this study, please feel free to contact Dr. Yusuf Akamoglu, or Dr. Hedda Meadan at If you feel you have not been treated according to the descriptions in this form, or if you have any questions about your rights as a research subject, including questions, concerns, complaints, or to offer input, you may call the Office for the Protection of Research Subjects (OPRS) at 217-333-2670 or e-mail OPRS at
I am 18 years of age or older, have read and understand the above consent form, and voluntarily agree to participate in this study. *This question is required.