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South Floyds Fork Community Design Survey

Your participation in the South Floyds Fork Vision is a critical part of the visioning process. Together, let’s think about the the future of the South Floyds Fork Area, through new development, economic opportunities, community services, conservation, transportation connections, and more. The following questions were also asked at the community visioning workshop held on October 17, 2017. Along with feedback from the workshop, your responses will help to guide the scenario and vision development. 

1. In your opinion, what contributes most to the region's quality of life?
2. What type of housing is most needed in Floyds Fork area?
3. Building new housing that is appealing and affordable to a broader range of ages and incomes should be a top priority.
4. The Floyds Fork area should develop a broader mix of employment, including jobs centers and local services.
5. Expanding the width and extent of stream buffers should be a top priority.
6. Preserving agricultural lands and viability of working farms should be a top priority.
7. Creating an urban agricultural hub should be a top priority.
8. Developing an integrated trail system that connects neighborhoods and parks should be a top priority.
9. Investing in improvements to the road network should be a top priority. 
10. Investing in better connections for people walking and biking should be a top priority.
11. Maintaining the tree canopy should be a top priority.
12. Maintaining the water quality of Floyds Fork should be a top priority.
13. Providing sufficient water and sewer infrastructure to develop the area should be a top priority.
14. Did you participate in the community design workshop on October 17th, 2017?
15. What is your gender?
16. Do you consider yourself...
17. What is your age?
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