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Dear Candidate,

In order to get a job as an electrician at Sintec UK LTD (Great Britain), we ask you to provide the necessary information about yourself and pass the qualification test.


You will be asked to answer 27 questions in 15 minutes.

To successfully pass the test, your result should be at least 60%.

  • For each correct answer you will be credited with points
  • For each incorrect answer the points will be deducted
  • If the question remains unanswered, then 0 points will be credited

After completing the test, you will see your result and all your data will be automatically sent to the HR Department of Sintec UK LTD to make a decision on your employment.


To submit your questionnaire details, please click "Next".

After the test questions appear, the timer will turn on. It is at the bottom of the page.

When having passed the test, do not click "Back" and "Refresh" buttons in the browser, otherwise the result will not be counted.



The test is a once-only opportunity! The report consists of the answers, personal information and IP address of the candidate.