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HNMCP-IILP Lunchtime Discussion Preliminary Survey

Firm choice

Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey!  Please note that this survey is completely anonymous, and we have no way of identifying the respondents.
1. Do you intend to work at a law firm next year, either for the summer (1Ls and 2Ls) or as a permanent position (3Ls and LLMs)? *This question is required.
2. Why do you want to work at a law firm? *This question is required.(Please choose five items, and order by the most important first.) Order the items from the following list. First select an item with the spacebar to show a menu of possible ranking positions. Next, click a ranking position to order it in the ranked list. Note the menu will display more ordering options as you add items to the ranked list.
3. As you choose between law firms, please rank the following factors in order of their importance in influencing your decision. *This question is required.(Please choose five items, and order by the most important first.) Order the items from the following list. First select an item with the spacebar to show a menu of possible ranking positions. Next, click a ranking position to order it in the ranked list. Note the menu will display more ordering options as you add items to the ranked list.
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