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Trainer Agreement

Trainer Professional Standards and Agreement

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Information *This question is required.
Information *This question is required.
Information *This question is required.
Information *This question is required.
Training Level *This question is required.
Training Level *This question is required.
Niveau de formation
Training Level *This question is required.
Nivel de formación
Training Level *This question is required.
Please indicate your intended status:
Trainer Professional Standards and Agreement
  1. I understand I need to attend Think Tank every third year to maintain my Trainer Certification.
  2. I agree to post all Teaching Parenting the Positive Discipline Way (TP), Positive Discipline in the Classroom (PDC), and Positive Discipline for Early Childhood Educators (ECE) Workshops on the Positive Discipline Association website. If there is a change (Location, Dates, Cancellation, etc.), I will contact immediately.
  3. I agree to follow all Guidelines to Facilitating Core Workshops (TP, PDC, and ECE) including submitting post workshop documentation within 10 business days (two weeks) of the workshop. To view the Guide to Facilitating Core Workshops, please log-in to the Trainers' section of the PDA website to view at
  4. I will not co-facilitate a core workshop with anyone who is not a Certified Positive Discipline Trainer, with the exception of a Positive Discipline Trainer Candidate who is pre-approved by the PDA beforehand as part of ACT Option 2.
  5. I will pay all certification fees within 10 business days. If I work with host organizations, I understand it is my responsibility to work with the host to assure timely payment.
  6. I will pay all foreign print royalties in a timely and professional manner. If I work with host organizations, I understand it is my responsibility to work with the host to assure timely payment.
  7. I will follow all professional standards including strong ethical business practices, modeling Adlerian and Positive Discipline principles, and adhering to US copyright laws and guidelines for appropriately citing source.
  8. I will not “adapt” in print any activities without the consent of the original creator. The original creator must always be credited in full and provide permissions for any adaption shared.
*This question is required.
Signature of
Trainer Professional Standards and Agreement
  1. 我明白我需要每三年参加一次智库,以保有我的导师资质。
    I understand I need to attend Think Tank every third year to maintain my Trainer Certification.
  2. 一旦对外公开讲师班招生信息,我同意将每一期的正面管教家长讲师认证班(TP)、正面管教学校讲师认证班(PDC)和早期儿童正面管教讲师认证班(ECE)的信息在正面管教协会(PDA)网站发布。如有更新(地点、日期、取消等),我会联络。
    I agree to post all Teaching Parenting the Positive Discipline Way (TP), Positive Discipline in the Classroom (PDC) and Early Childhood Positive Discipline Educator (ECE) on the Positive Discipline Association website. If there is a change (Location, Dates, Cancellation, etc.), I will contact immediately.
  3. 我同意遵守带导认证班(TP或PDC或ECE))的所有指导原则,包括在10个工作日(两周)内提交工作坊完成文件。参见认证班指导原则,请登陆PDA网站的“导师”栏,网址是。
    I agree to follow all Guidelines to Facilitating Core Workshops (TP ,PDC and ECE) including submitting post workshop documentation within 10 business days (two weeks) of the workshop. To view the Guide to Facilitating Core Workshops, please log-in to the Trainers' section of the PDA website to view at
  4. 我不会与非认证正面管教导师联合带导工作坊(TP或PDC或ECE)。事先申请且得到正面管教协会预先批准,作为某个特殊督导项目的导师候选的情况除外。
    I will not co-facilitate a core workshop with anyone who is not a Certified Positive Discipline Trainer, with the exception of a Positive Discipline Trainer Candidate who is pre-approved by the PDA beforehand as part of  mentoring a trainer candidate. Pre-approval must be in advance of any workshop planning or promotion.
  5. 我会在10个工作日内支付所有认证费。我会以尊重和专业的态度购买认证班所需要的讲师指南等中文版出版物。如果我与主办方一起工作,我有责任确保主办方购买正版的出版物是我的责任。如果是购买英文版教材,我会以及时和专业的态度支付所有英文版印刷的版权费用。如果我与主办方一起工作,我有责任确保主办方及时支付。
     I will pay all certification fees within 10 business days. If I work with host organizations, I understand it is my responsibility to work with the host to assure timely payment.I will pay all foreign print royalties in a timely and professional manner. Omit aabout print royalties as it does not apply to china. Leave the next line.  If I work with host organizations, I understand it is my responsibility to work with the host to assure timely payment. I understand that it is my responsbility as the certified trainer to assure all standards are followed including group size and composition as outlined on the Guide to Facilitating Core Workshops.
  6. 我会遵守所有正面管教导师的职业标准,包括严格的商业道德运作,示范阿德勒与正面管教原则,维护正面管教的权益,并在使用过程中声明这些活动来自正面管教以及版权出处。
    I will follow all professional standards including strong ethical business practices, modeling Adlerian and Positive Discipline principles, and adhering to US copyright laws and guideline for appropriately citing source.
  7. 我会尊重每一个正面管教活动的流程, 未经允许我不会改动活动流程并交付印刷。如果我要想做任何改编,我要事先向正面管教协会和活动原作者提出申请并得到同意。
    I will not “adapt” in print any activities without the consent of the original creator. The original creator must always be credited in full and provide permissions for any adaption shared.
*This question is required.
Signature of
Engagement et Normes professionnelles du Formateur Certifié
Trainer Professional Standards and Agreement
  1. Je comprends qu’il est nécessaire pour moi d’assister au Think Tank tous les trois ans pour maintenir la validité de ma certification.
    I understand I need to attend Think Tank every third year to maintain my Trainer Certification.
  2. J’accepte de publier sur le site de PDA toutes mes formations de Formateurs-Animateurs en Discipline Positive (FP) et Discipline Positive dans la Classe (DPC). En cas de changement (Lieu, date, annulation...) je le signalerai à
    I agree to post all Teaching Parenting the Positive Discipline Way (TP) and Positive Discipline in the Classroom (PDC) on the Positive Discipline Association website. If there is a change (Location, Dates, Cancellation, etc.), I will contact immediately.
  3. J’accepte de suivre les lignes de conduite mises en place pour animer une session d’habilitation (FP ou DPC). Je transmettrai à PDA les documents requis dans les 10 jours ouvrés (2 semaines) suivant la formation. Pour prendre connaissance de ces lignes de conduite (FP et DPC) aller sur l’espace membres ADPF ou PDA dans la section FP, DPC.
    I agree to follow all Guidelines to Facilitating Core Workshops (TP and PDC) including submitting post workshop documentation within 10 business days (two weeks) of the workshop. To view the Guide to Facilitating Core Workshops, please log-in to the Trainers' section of the PDA website to view at
  4. Je ne peux pas co-animer des FP et DPC avec une personne non certifiée, sauf s’ il s’agit d’un candidat dans le cadre d’un parcours de certification option 2, et sous réserve d’approbation préalable par PDA. 
    I will not co-facilitate a core workshop with anyone who is not a Certified Positive Discipline Trainer, with the exception of a Positive Discipline Trainer Candidate who is pre-approved by the PDA beforehand as part of ACT Option 2.
  5. Je réglerai à PDA les frais de certification de tous les participants dans un délai de 10 jours ouvrés. Si je travaille avec des organismes, je dois m’assurer que le paiement a bien été effectué dans le temps imparti.
    I will pay all certification fees within 10 business days. If I work with host organizations, I understand it is my responsibility to work with the host to assure timely payment.
  6. Je paierai sans délai les droits d’auteur internationaux d’impression qui me sont demandés*. Si je travaille avec des organismes, je dois m’assurer que le paiement a bien été effectué dans le temps imparti.
    * sans objet dans le contexte français
    I will pay all foreign print royalties in a timely and professional manner. If I work with host organizations, I understand it is my responsibility to work with the host to assure timely payment.
  7. Je suivrai les normes professionnelles usuelles. Ceci inclut : une forte éthique économique et commerciale, une attitude qui soit modèle des principes adlériens et de la Discipline Positive, ainsi que le respect des lois américaines sur les droits d'auteur et de citation.
    I will follow all professional standards including strong ethical business practices, modeling Adlerian and Positive Discipline principles, and adhering to US copyright laws and guideline for appropriately citing source.
  8. Je ne peux pas adapter à l’écrit des activités sans le consentement du créateur de l’activité. Cet auteur doit toujours être cité dans son intégralité (nom, source) et donner son autorisation avant toute adaptation.
    I will not “adapt” in print any activities without the consent of the original creator. The original creator must always be credited in full and provide permissions for any adaption shared.
*This question is required.
Signature of
Contrato y normas profesionales del Entrenador
Trainer Professional Standards and Agreement
  1. Entiendo que debo de asistir al Think Tank cada 3 años para conservar mi Certificado de Entrenador/a.
    I understand I need to attend Think Tank every third year to maintain my Trainer Certification.
  2. Me comprometo a publicar todos los Talleres de Certificación de Internacional Disciplina Positiva en las Familias (Teaching Parenting the Positive Discipline Way-TP) y los Talleres de Certificación de Internacional Disciplina Positiva en el Aula (Positive Discipline in the Classroom-PDC) en la página web de la Positive Discipline Association. Si hubiera cualquier cambio (Ubicación, Fechas, Cancelación, etc.) lo comunicaré inmediatamente contactando a través del siguiente email
    I agree to post all Teaching Parenting the Positive Discipline Way (TP) and Positive Discipline in the Classroom (PDC) on the Positive Discipline Association website. If there is a change (Location, Dates, Cancellation, etc.), I will contact immediately.
  3. Me comprometo a seguir las instrucciones para facilitar Talleres de Certificación (Guidelines to Facilitate Core Workshops - TP y PDC) incluyendo entregar la documentación tras la certificación dentro de 10 días hábiles (2 semanas) después de la celebración de la Certificación. Para ver la guía de facilitación de Talleres de Certificación, por favor accede a la sección de Entrenadores de la página de la PDA para consultarla en guidelines.
    I agree to follow all Guidelines to Facilitating Core Workshops (TP and PDC) including submitting post workshop documentation within 10 business days (two weeks) of the workshop. To view the Guide to Facilitating Core Workshops, please log-in to the Trainers' section of the PDA website to view at
  4. No co-facilitaré Talleres de Certificación con ningun/a facilitador/a que no sea Entrendor/a Certificada de Disciplina Positiva con la excepción de los/as Candidatas/os a Entrenador/a que hayan sido previamente autorizados/as explícitamente por la PDA como parte de la Opción 2 del ACT. 
    I will not co-facilitate a core workshop with anyone who is not a Certified Positive Discipline Trainer, with the exception of a Positive Discipline Trainer Candidate who is pre-approved by the PDA beforehand as part of ACT Option 2.
  5. Pagaré todas las tasas de certificación dentro del plazo de 10 días hábiles. Si trabajo con organizaciones anfitrionas, entiendo que es mi responsabilidad trabajar con esta última para asegurarme de realizar los pagos a su debido tiempo.
    I will pay all certification fees within 10 business days. If I work with host organizations, I understand it is my responsibility to work with the host to assure timely payment.
  6. Pagaré todas las tasas por derechos de autor (printing royalties) a su debido tiempo y de una forma profesional. Si trabajo con organizaciones anfitrionas, entiendo que es mi responsabilidad trabajar con esta última para asegurarme de realizar los pagos a su debido tiempo.
    I will pay all foreign print royalties in a timely and professional manner. If I work with host organizations, I understand it is my responsibility to work with the host to assure timely payment.
  7. Seguiré todos los estándares profesionales incluyendo prácticas comerciales de fuertes principios éticos, modelando los principios Adlerianos y de Disciplina Positiva, y en cumplimiento de las leyes de propiedad intelectual (copyright) de los EE.UU y de citación de las fuentes de información apropiadamente.
    I will follow all professional standards including strong ethical business practices, modeling Adlerian and Positive Discipline principles, and adhering to US copyright laws and guideline for appropriately citing source.
  8. No “adaptaré” de forma escrita ninguna actividad sin el consentimiento del creador original. El creador original siempre tiene que ser debidamente mencionado de manera completa y éste debe de dar su consentimiento expreso para cualquier adaptación que se quiera compartir.
    I will not “adapt” in print any activities without the consent of the original creator. The original creator must always be credited in full and provide permissions for any adaption shared.
*This question is required.
Signature of
Lead Trainer Professional Standards and Agreement
  1. I understand I need to attend Think Tank every other year to renew my Lead Trainer Certification. 
  2. I understand that I am required to attend the quarterly online Lead Trainer Meeting or watch the recording provided for me in a timely manner.
  3. I intend to serve the Positive Discipline Association in a Leadership role.
  4. I agree to post all Teaching Parenting the Positive Discipline Way (TP) and Positive Discipline in the Classroom (PDC) on the Positive Discipline Association website. If there is a change (Location, Dates, Cancellation, etc.), I will contact immediately.
  5. I agree to follow all guidelines to facilitating Core Workshops (TP and PDC) including submitting post workshop documentation within 10 business days (two weeks) of the workshop.  To view these guidelines, please log-in to the PDA website and view at
  6. I will not co-facilitate a core workshop with anyone who is not a Certified Positive Discipline Trainer, with the exception of a Positive Discipline Trainer Candidate who is pre-approved by the PDA beforehand as part of ACT Option 2.
  7. I will pay all certification fees within 10 business days. If I work with host organizations, I understand it is my responsibility to work with the host to assure timely payment.
  8. I will pay all foreign print royalties in a timely and professional manner. If I work with host organizations, I understand it is my responsibility to work with the host to assure timely payment.
  9. I will follow all professional standards including strong ethical business practices, modeling Adlerian and Positive Discipline principles, and adhering to US copyright laws and guidelines for appropriately citing sources.
  10. I will not “adapt” in print any activities without the consent of the original creator. The original creator must always be credited in full and provide permissions for any adaption shared.
*This question is required.
Signature of
Trainer Professional Standards and Agreement
  1. 我明白我需至少每隔一年要参加一次智库,以保有我的高级导师资质。

    I understand I need to attend Think Tank every other year to renew my Lead Trainer Certification. 
  2. 一旦对外公开讲师班招生信息,我同意将每一期的正面管教家长讲师认证班(TP)、正面管教学校讲师认证班(PDC)和早期儿童正面管教讲师认证班(ECE)的信息在正面管教协会(PDA)网站发布。如有更新(地点、日期、取消等),我会联络。I agree to post all Teaching Parenting the Positive Discipline Way (TP), Positive Discipline in the Classroom (PDC) and Early Childhood Positive Discipline Educator (ECE) on the Positive Discipline Association website. If there is a change (Location, Dates, Cancellation, etc.), I will contact immediately.
  3. 我同意遵守带导认证班(TP或PDC或ECE))的所有指导原则,包括在10个工作日(两周)内提交工作坊完成文件。参见认证班指导原则,请登陆PDA网站的“导师”栏,网址是。
    I agree to follow all Guidelines to Facilitating Core Workshops (TP ,PDC and ECE) including submitting post workshop documentation within 10 business days (two weeks) of the workshop. To view the Guide to Facilitating Core Workshops, please log-in to the Trainers' section of the PDA website to view at
  4. 我不会与非认证正面管教导师联合带导工作坊(TP或PDC或ECE)。事先申请且得到正面管教协会预先批准,作为某个特殊督导项目的导师候选的情况除外。
    I will not co-facilitate a core workshop with anyone who is not a Certified Positive Discipline Trainer, with the exception of a Positive Discipline Trainer Candidate who is pre-approved by the PDA beforehand as part of  mentoring a trainer candidate. Pre-approval must be in advance of any workshop planning or promotion.
  5. 我会在10个工作日内支付所有认证费。我会以尊重和专业的态度购买认证班所需要的讲师指南等中文版出版物。如果我与主办方一起工作,我有责任确保主办方购买正版的出版物是我的责任。如果是购买英文版教材,我会以及时和专业的态度支付所有英文版印刷的版权费用。如果我与主办方一起工作,我有责任确保主办方及时支付。
    I will pay all certification fees within 10 business days. If I work with host organizations, I understand it is my responsibility to work with the host to assure timely payment.I will pay all foreign print royalties in a timely and professional manner. Omit aabout print royalties as it does not apply to china. Leave the next line.  If I work with host organizations, I understand it is my responsibility to work with the host to assure timely payment. I understand that it is my responsbility as the certified trainer to assure all standards are followed including group size and composition as outlined on the Guide to Facilitating Core Workshops.
  6. 我会遵守所有正面管教导师的职业标准,包括严格的商业道德运作,示范阿德勒与正面管教原则,维护正面管教的权益,并在使用过程中声明这些活动来自正面管教以及版权出处。
    I will follow all professional standards including strong ethical business practices, modeling Adlerian and Positive Discipline principles, and adhering to US copyright laws and guideline for appropriately citing source.           
  7. 我会尊重每一个正面管教活动的流程, 未经允许我不会改动活动流程并交付印刷。如果我要想做任何改编,我要事先向正面管教协会和活动原作者提出申请并得到同意。
    I will not “adapt” in print any activities without the consent of the original creator. The original creator must always be credited in full and provide permissions for any adaption shared.
*This question is required.
Signature of
Engagement et Normes professionnelles du Formateur Certifié
Trainer Professional Standards and Agreement
  1. Je comprends qu’il est nécessaire pour moi d’assister au Think Tank tous les deux ans pour maintenir la validité de ma certification.
    I understand I need to attend Think Tank every other year to renew my Lead Trainer Certification. 
  2. J’accepte de publier sur le site de PDA toutes mes formations de Formateurs-Animateurs en Discipline Positive (FP) et Discipline Positive dans la Classe (DPC). En cas de changement (Lieu, date, annulation...) je le signalerai à
    I agree to post all Teaching Parenting the Positive Discipline Way (TP) and Positive Discipline in the Classroom (PDC) on the Positive Discipline Association website. If there is a change (Location, Dates, Cancellation, etc.), I will contact immediately.
  3. J’accepte de suivre les lignes de conduite mises en place pour animer une session d’habilitation (FP ou DPC). Je transmettrai à PDA les documents requis dans les 10 jours ouvrés (2 semaines) suivant la formation. Pour prendre connaissance de ces lignes de conduite (FP et DPC) aller sur l’espace membres ADPF ou PDA dans la section FP, DPC.
    I agree to follow all Guidelines to Facilitating Core Workshops (TP and PDC) including submitting post workshop documentation within 10 business days (two weeks) of the workshop. To view the Guide to Facilitating Core Workshops, please log-in to the Trainers' section of the PDA website to view at
  4. Je ne peux pas co-animer des FP et DPC avec une personne non certifiée, sauf s’ il s’agit d’un candidat dans le cadre d’un parcours de certification option 2, et sous réserve d’approbation préalable par PDA. 
    I will not co-facilitate a core workshop with anyone who is not a Certified Positive Discipline Trainer, with the exception of a Positive Discipline Trainer Candidate who is pre-approved by the PDA beforehand as part of ACT Option 2.
  5. Je réglerai à PDA les frais de certification de tous les participants dans un délai de 10 jours ouvrés. Si je travaille avec des organismes, je dois m’assurer que le paiement a bien été effectué dans le temps imparti.
    I will pay all certification fees within 10 business days. If I work with host organizations, I understand it is my responsibility to work with the host to assure timely payment.
  6. Je paierai sans délai les droits d’auteur internationaux d’impression qui me sont demandés*. Si je travaille avec des organismes, je dois m’assurer que le paiement a bien été effectué dans le temps imparti.
    * sans objet dans le contexte français
    I will pay all foreign print royalties in a timely and professional manner. If I work with host organizations, I understand it is my responsibility to work with the host to assure timely payment.
  7. Je suivrai les normes professionnelles usuelles. Ceci inclut : une forte éthique économique et commerciale, une attitude qui soit modèle des principes adlériens et de la Discipline Positive, ainsi que le respect des lois américaines sur les droits d'auteur et de citation.
    I will follow all professional standards including strong ethical business practices, modeling Adlerian and Positive Discipline principles, and adhering to US copyright laws and guideline for appropriately citing source.
  8. Je ne peux pas adapter à l’écrit des activités sans le consentement du créateur de l’activité. Cet auteur doit toujours être cité dans son intégralité (nom, source) et donner son autorisation avant toute adaptation.
    I will not “adapt” in print any activities without the consent of the original creator. The original creator must always be credited in full and provide permissions for any adaption shared.
*This question is required.
Signature of
Contrato y normas profesionales del Entrenador
Trainer Professional Standards and Agreement
  1. Entiendo que necesito asistir al Think Tank cada 2 años para renovar mi Certificación de Entrenadora Líder.
    I understand I need to attend Think Tank every other year to renew my Lead Trainer Certification.
  2. Me comprometo a publicar todos los Talleres de Certificación de Internacional Disciplina Positiva en las Familias (Teaching Parenting the Positive Discipline Way-TP) y los Talleres de Certificación de Internacional Disciplina Positiva en el Aula (Positive Discipline in the Classroom-PDC) en la página web de la Positive Discipline Association. Si hubiera cualquier cambio (Ubicación, Fechas, Cancelación, etc.) lo comunicaré inmediatamente contactando a través del siguiente email
    I agree to post all Teaching Parenting the Positive Discipline Way (TP) and Positive Discipline in the Classroom (PDC) on the Positive Discipline Association website. If there is a change (Location, Dates, Cancellation, etc.), I will contact immediately.
  3. Me comprometo a seguir las instrucciones para facilitar Talleres de Certificación (Guidelines to Facilitate Core Workshops - TP y PDC) incluyendo entregar la documentación tras la certificación dentro de 10 días hábiles (2 semanas) después de la celebración de la Certificación. Para ver la guía de facilitación de Talleres de Certificación, por favor accede a la sección de Entrenadores de la página de la PDA para consultarla en guidelines.
    I agree to follow all Guidelines to Facilitating Core Workshops (TP and PDC) including submitting post workshop documentation within 10 business days (two weeks) of the workshop. To view the Guide to Facilitating Core Workshops, please log-in to the Trainers' section of the PDA website to view at
  4. No co-facilitaré Talleres de Certificación con ningun/a facilitador/a que no sea Entrendor/a Certificada de Disciplina Positiva con la excepción de los/as Candidatas/os a Entrenador/a que hayan sido previamente autorizados/as explícitamente por la PDA como parte de la Opción 2 del ACT. 
    I will not co-facilitate a core workshop with anyone who is not a Certified Positive Discipline Trainer, with the exception of a Positive Discipline Trainer Candidate who is pre-approved by the PDA beforehand as part of ACT Option 2.
  5. Pagaré todas las tasas de certificación dentro del plazo de 10 días hábiles. Si trabajo con organizaciones anfitrionas, entiendo que es mi responsabilidad trabajar con esta última para asegurarme de realizar los pagos a su debido tiempo.
    I will pay all certification fees within 10 business days. If I work with host organizations, I understand it is my responsibility to work with the host to assure timely payment.
  6. Pagaré todas las tasas por derechos de autor (printing royalties) a su debido tiempo y de una forma profesional. Si trabajo con organizaciones anfitrionas, entiendo que es mi responsabilidad trabajar con esta última para asegurarme de realizar los pagos a su debido tiempo.
    I will pay all foreign print royalties in a timely and professional manner. If I work with host organizations, I understand it is my responsibility to work with the host to assure timely payment.
  7. Seguiré todos los estándares profesionales incluyendo prácticas comerciales de fuertes principios éticos, modelando los principios Adlerianos y de Disciplina Positiva, y en cumplimiento de las leyes de propiedad intelectual (copyright) de los EE.UU y de citación de las fuentes de información apropiadamente.
    I will follow all professional standards including strong ethical business practices, modeling Adlerian and Positive Discipline principles, and adhering to US copyright laws and guideline for appropriately citing source.
  8. No “adaptaré” de forma escrita ninguna actividad sin el consentimiento del creador original. El creador original siempre tiene que ser debidamente mencionado de manera completa y éste debe de dar su consentimiento expreso para cualquier adaptación que se quiera compartir.
    I will not “adapt” in print any activities without the consent of the original creator. The original creator must always be credited in full and provide permissions for any adaption shared.
*This question is required.
Signature of