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2018 ACTS Volunteer Survey

Action in Community Through Service Volunteer Survey

This is an anonymous 11 question survey to be filled out by both current and previous ACTS volunteers regarding your service with this organization during 2017-8. Only the first eight questions require an answer.

1. What ACTS program did you volunteer with? *This question is required.
2. How many hours did you volunteer independently or with your group during 2017? *This question is required.
3. When did you volunteer with ACTS? (Check all that apply). *This question is required.

How much of an impact do you feel your volunteer work had?

*This question is required.
5. Is volunteering with ACTS convenient? I.E: Given program availability to volunteer within your schedule was it easy to schedule and complete volunteerism with ACTS? *This question is required.
6. How responsive was Staff to your inquiries, calls or emails before, during and following your service? *This question is required.
7. How friendly were the ACTS staff you encountered with during your service? Did you feel appreciated? *This question is required.
Very Unfriendly or Ungrateful.Neutral, they were knowledgeable.Neutral, they could be more friendly.Most of the staff were gracious and friendly.Very Friendly, this was a great experience.
8. Based on your volunteerism experiences, would you recommend that your peers donate and/or volunteer with ACTS? *This question is required.
  • * This question is required.
This question requires a valid email address.
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