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CAP Supervisor Modules

Share your feedback on the CAP Supervisor Modules

The CAP modules are designed to support Program Supervisors’ and Supervising Practitioners’ understanding of the CAP process in an accessible and engaging online format.  The modules provide an introductory overview of the goals of CAP, the 5-Step Cycle, the CAP Rubric, and the roles of the supervisors.  The content is structured around the steps of the 5-step cycle and includes information and guidance from the CAP Guidelines, Implementation Handbook, Quick Reference Guides, and other ESE resources.  Program Supervisors and Supervising Practitioners can progress through the modules sequentially or go directly to an area in which they have questions and return to it anytime throughout the CAP cycle.   The CAP Modules are designed to supplement – not replace – more comprehensive training facilitated by each organization. 

Please use this form to share feedback on the modules. Thank you in advance!
2. Select your role (select all that apply): *This question is required.
3. Select the option that best describes the way that you have used the modules so far.
4. How often have you accessed the modules?
5. How do you plan to use the modules at your SO?
5. Rate your level of agreement with each statement below. *This question is required.
Space Cell AgreeSomewhat AgreeSomewhat DisagreeDisagree
The modules support my ability to effectively implement CAP as a supervisor.
The modules help me understand my roles and responsibilities in assessing candidate readiness to teach.
The modules provide access to a comprehensive set of guidance and resources to support CAP implementation.
The content is relevant to my work.
The format is engaging.
Completing the modules is a valuable use of my time.
I plan to continue to use the CAP modules as a resource.
I would recommend this resource to colleagues.
5. Rate your level of agreement with each statement below. *This question is required.
Space Cell AgreeSomewhat AgreeSomewhat DisagreeDisagree
The CAP modules provide sufficient introductory CAP training for supervisors.
The CAP modules will allow SOs to provide more comprehensive training that they otherwise would not have had time for.
Completing the CAP modules supports my organization's efforts to improve the quality of candidates' field-based experiences.
Completing the CAP modules supports my organization's efforts to improve the practice of teacher educators (e.g. supervisors).