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MoodlePalooza Presenter Form 2018


for the 5th Annual MoodlePalooza Conference, June 6, 2018

Thank you for your interest in presenting at the 5th annual MoodlePalooza Conference.  Please use the following form to submit your proposal.  Proposals will be accepted through April 2018.  Our conference will be geared toward Higher Education Faculty, Librarians, Technologists, and Administrators.  Some special topics we are looking for specifically include the following: Blended Learning, Presentation Tools, Digital Literacy, Project-Based Learning, Progressive Theory and Pedagogy in Online or Blended Teaching.  We look forward to proposals that will best fit the needs of our audience.
Presenter Information:

  1. We welcome online remote sessions.  If you would like to present your topic remotely using Zoom, please indicate so in the first question.
  2. If there is more than one presenter, please use the comment box at the end of the form to give additional names and information.
  3. The information listed here will be used for forms, brochures, on the MoodlePalooza website, and other event information.
  4. Please only submit one proposal per form submission.  If you would like to present more than one topic, please submit each proposal separately using this form.
1. Will your presentation be delivered remotely using Zoom (setup and support provided by conference organizers) or in-person? *This question is required.
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