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2018 HUD CoC Competition Evaluation Instrument- Appeals Form


2018 Evaluation Instrument Appeal Form


  • Please submit one form per question.  

  • Submit one form for each step/level of appeal.

Agencies must use the 2018 Evaluation Instrument Appeal Form for each individual appeal (threshold and non-threshold). Failure to use the form or failure to complete it thoroughly will result in an automatic denial of the appeal. Agencies may not skip any step in the process listed below. Failure to complete a step will result in an automatic denial of the appeal.

The Appeals Process includes the following:

Step 1: All Chicago releases initial scorecards to agencies for each of their projects on March 23, 2018. Agencies can appeal scores to All Chicago (Collaborative Applicant) utilizing the 2018 Evaluation Instrument Appeal Form;

Step 2:  Agencies receive appeal decisions from All Chicago, and if so desired, they may appeal to the Collaborative Applicant Committee utilizing the Evaluation Instrument Appeal Form by April 18, 2018;

Step 3:  Agencies receive appeal decisions from the Collaborative Applicant Committee, and if so desired, they may appeal to the Appeals Panel of the CoC Board of Directors utilizing the Evaluation Instrument Appeal Form by May 11, 2018.  Decisions by the Appeals Panel are final.


Step Deadline
Evaluation Instrument Released 2/12/18
Evaluation Instrument Submissions Due 3/9/18
Preliminary Scores Released 3/23/18
Deadline to Appeal to All Chicago 4/2/18
All Chicago Responds to Appeals 4/13/18
Deadline to Appeal to Collaborative Applicant Committee (CAC) 4/18/18
Collaborative Applicant Committee Responds to Appeals 5/9/18
Deadline to Appeal to Appeals Panel of the CoC Board of Directors 5/11/18
Appeals Panel of the CoC Board of Directors Responds to Appeals 5/25/18
Final Scorecards Released 6/1/18

If an agency missed a deadline to appeal, then the agency should explain in the narrative section of this form why the appeal deadline was missed.

If you have any questions, please contact the All Chicago CoC Program Team at 

Please indicate the level at which you are currently appealing:  *This question is required.