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Where we dwell: Our psychogeography

This survey is meant to gain some insight about how people feel about the places they live(especially American cities) and the kinds of relationships people have to one another in them as well as to their space/place. Seeing what's working and what s not working for people enables one to get a sense of why and what might be beneficial to change. The data from the survey will be used in an art show about social patterns and urban space. Have fun & be honest. Distribute to your friends. Thanks!

If you would like to share a favorite or special place in your city, there is a map where you can drop a point with the location letting others know and in short mapping the geography of social desire.

View Where we dwell in a larger map There is a treat at the end!
1. I come to live here because:
2. What is the size of your city/town?
3. What kind of work do you do?
4. How dense is your city, what median height of buildings where you live?
5. How diverse is your city: ethnicity, age, economic status, 10 being the most
6. How well do you know the plants that grow in your bioregion?
7. How much green space is nearby or is within your city? (unpaved surfaces / ideally non-lawn type)
8. Transportation: what is your primary way to get around?
9. How much concrete/asphalt covers the ground/used in buildings in the city/town where you live?
10. With how many people do you live?
11. How connected do you feel to the people living in your neighborhood?
12. How much of a sense of ownership/agency to change things do you feel in your neighborhood?
13. How satisfied are you with public space in your city
14. Are the social spaces accessible to you conducive to the types of social interactions that you desire?
15. How often do you get together with people in public places?
16. How often do you find yourself in places within your city that is not within your daily routines or commitments?
17. If you have favorite places where you live, what kind are they?
18. do you think there are enough places to sit throughout the place where you live?
19. how likely do you think it is to strike up a conversation with a stranger on the street in the city where you live
20. How often do you go over to your friend s house or something like invite people for dinner?
21. How often do you work on a project or activity together with another person outside of employment?
22. How many times a week do you go out either casually to meet someone or to some kind of event?
23. How often do you feel lonely?
24. How often do you go out(event, show, party) alone or with friends, 5 being half and half 10 being always with friends.
25. How often do you go out and go home feeling disappointed?
26. How often do you use facebook to attend events VS by word of mouth, 5 being half and half, ten being always though Fb?
27. How often do you say hello to a friend/acquaintance of yours if you see them walking across the street?
28. How much of a factor is the width of the street when pertaining to the above?
29. Do you feel a sense of belonging to a group of people or community where you live?
30. If so, is that connection biased more on a shared social interest (music scene, hobby) or more of a family like relationship where responsibilities and resources are shared?
31. Do you see your city changing to the ways that you would like in the near future?
The questions below are simply there to see if there is a relationship between the types of people and their perspective.
32. What is your age?
33. How would you describe your social / economic status / class?
34. What is your race?
This question requires a valid email address.
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