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Thank you! Deals for Hackers is on!

Let's get this party started!

The Hacker News community is truly amazing! Yesterday, I posted the following Ask HN question:

Daily Deals for Hackers - Interested?

The response blew me away. 293 people finished the entire survey, which asked if people were interested in the concept behind "Deals for Hackers" (193 people finished some of the survey, for a total of 486 added SOME content to the survey.)

Here are the results (
  • 61.8% of survey takers said they were interested, and would subscribe to the daily email.
  • 19.4% of survey takers said that they love the concept, and want me to launch immediately.
  • 18.8% of survey takers said they weren't interested in the concept. Fair enough.

Bottom line, a whopping 81.2% of survey takers said they want Deals for Hackers to exist!  Those numbers are good enough for me!  I wouldn't have dreamed the response would be so great - the Hacker News community is truly amazing.

So, lets get this crazy train started!  My next step will be to close some of the deals I've been talking about with people.

If you'd like to be on the Deals for Hackers launch list, enter your email address in below.  If you have any questions, feel free to email me at

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