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OES WEEE Roll-off Service Request

Post Event Follow-up Form

1. General Information
2. Purpose of EventWhy did you hold a collection event? (check all that apply)
3. Event Logistics
Space Cell Number of
20 yd bins
30 yd bins
40 yd bins
5 ton truck
53' trailer
4. Event Goals and Fulfillment
Vehicle (Auto) Count
Post-event Calculated Tonnage

Please calculate tonnage, as follows:

[# of pallets or bins] x [weight per pallet or bin] = estimated weight in metric tonnes (MT)

Space Cell NumberTonnage
Pallets (0.13 MT)
20 yd bins (2.5 MT)
30 yd bins (3.0 MT)
40 yd bins (4.0 MT)
5. Event Promotion
How did you promote/advertise your event?
Did OES help you promote/advertise your event?
Which of the following did you find useful?
Why didn't you use any of the OES Promotional Materials?