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Yu Ming Charter School Questionnaire

Thank you for your interest and support of Yu Ming Charter School.   Please help us complete this short survey to help us understand how the location of our school affects your decision to enroll your child at Yu Ming.   Thank you in advance for your time.

Please complete only one survey per household.   Your answers are anonymous and will in no way affect your child's enrollment status.

Please note: It is common for a charter school to start small in one location and move as the school grows, and Yu Ming will likely find itself in this position.  As we consider different facility options, with different pros and cons, we need your input to make the best decision for the entire school community.

1. Would you attend Yu Ming Charter School if it is located in:
Space Cell Definitely Would Not Probably Would Not PossiblyProbably wouldDefinitely Would
City of Alameda - Northwest, through the Webster Tube *This question is required
Albany *This question is required
Berkeley *This question is required
Emeryville / North Oakland *This question is required
Oakland - Downtown/Chinatown (Between 980-580-Park Blvd) *This question is required
Oakland - East (East of Park Blvd) *This question is required
Oakland - West (Between 880-980-580) *This question is required
San Leandro *This question is required
2. We are currently considering an initial school site in Northwest Alameda (City), through the Webster Tube, from Downtown Oakland. If this site is deemed to be the best site available, would you enroll your child in Yu Ming? *This question is required.
3. We are currently considering two sites in downtown Oakland/Chinatown. If on these two sites is deemed to be the best site available, would you enroll your child in Yu Ming? *This question is required.
4. What factors are most important to you in deciding whether or not to enroll in Yu Ming? Please rank your responses from most important (top) to least important (bottom). Order the items from the following list. First select an item with the spacebar to show a menu of possible ranking positions. Next, click a ranking position to order it in the ranked list. Note the menu will display more ordering options as you add items to the ranked list.
5. How important is the location in your decision to enroll your child? *This question is required.
6. If admitted to Yu Ming, how would you rate your commitment to enroll? *This question is required.
8. When will you enroll your child? *This question is required.(If more than one, when will your first child enroll?)
9. Are you an active Yu Ming volunteer? *This question is required.
This question requires a valid number format.
13. Your student's race/ethnicity (check all that apply): (optional)
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