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Global Survey of VTE Risk Assessment Policy

Global Survey of VTE Risk Assessment Policy

The International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH) is conducting a survey on hospital-associated venous thromboembolism (VTE) so that we can build a picture of what is happening globally. This will inform the ISTH's future work for World Thrombosis Day.
1. Are you aware of work that has been done in either your place of work or in your state or country of residence showing that hospital-associated venous thromboembolism (VTE) can be prevented through risk assessment and thromboprophylaxis? *This question is required.
5. Are you aware of a prevention policy for hospital-associated venous thromboembolism (VTE) within your hospital? *This question is required.
6. If yes, does the VTE prevention policy cover any of the following? (Select all that apply)
6. Is VTE risk assessment used in your hospital? *This question is required.
7. If yes, is VTE risk assessment mandatory at your hospital?
7. If yes, do you know the uptake rate of VTE risk assessment in your hospital?
7. Does your hospital belong to a group of hospitals? *This question is required.
8. If yes, do the other hospitals use different VTE risk assessment and guidelines?
8. Is your facility's VTE risk assessment program and thromboprophylaxis mandated hospital-wide? *This question is required.
9. Is there a local thromboprophylaxis guideline? *This question is required.
10. Does your hospital conduct an analysis to identify the underlying causes of hospital-associated thrombosis cases in your hospital? *This question is required.
11. Does your country or state have national guidelines on VTE risk assessment and thromboprophylaxis? *This question is required.
12. Is your national or state healthcare organising body and/or government involved in setting standards in thromboprophylaxis?
  *This question is required.
13. Is there collection of VTE risk assessment data at a national or state level? *This question is required.
14. Is there publication of VTE risk assessment data at a national or state level? *This question is required.
16. If you answered yes, which of the following VTE risk assessment models does your facility use?
17. Is there collection of thromboprophylaxis data at a national or state level? *This question is required.
18. Is there publication of thromboprophylaxis data at a national or state level?  
  *This question is required.
20. Are you interested in campaigning to improve prevention of hospital-associated VTE in your own country or state? *This question is required.
21. Please provide your name and email address to be entered to win a World Thrombosis Day prize pack for your participation in this survey. One winner will be selected at random among all survey participants.

By providing your contact details, you provide permission for ISTH to communicate with you in the future.
Share the survey on your social media platforms to help spread the word to other healthcare Professionals