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What's your experience finding social services for clients, community members?

A group of residents, advocates, social services providers, technical whiz kids, and government folk are working to improve access to resources for community members. One way we are doing that is invigorating the District's resource and referral system known as Answers, Please! and 211.

I am part of that group. I am trying to determine the successes and challenges organizations have 1) using Answers, Please!/211 and 2) generally finding programs to which to refer family members, clients, constituents. The DC Community Resource Platform group will use this information as we move forward to improve 211 and coordinate all the electronic databases of social service resources.

Please take a few minutes to answer a few questions.

For more information about the work we are doing and/or to get involved, visit the DC Community Resource Platform wiki,

1. I work for *This question is required.
This question requires a valid email address.
6. Have you/has your organization (agency, company) created a resource directory to use when you need to make referrals for social services/human services issues? *This question is required.
8. If your organization (agency, company) has its own resource manual or directory, would you say
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