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Tasty Tidbits Future Services

Page One

Hello and thank you for taking the time to provide your input. Your response will help me to craft the design of the "future of Tasty Tidbits." Your responses are anonymous, so please feel free to speak your mind. However, should you wish a personal response, please email me at with your concerns. Thank you so much!
1. Which of the Tasty Tdibits newsletters/tools do you use? *This question is required.
Space Cell AlwaysOftenSometimesRarelyNeverN/A
Tasty Tidbits newsletter *This question is required
Pampered Perks Outlet Newsletter *This question is required
Weekly Dish newsletter *This question is required
Email blasts/e-cards *This question is required
Flyers (DYLAB, host/guest specials, etc) *This question is required
2. Which version of the Tasty Tidbits newsletter do you use most often? *This question is required.
3. If you use more than one Tasty Tidbits version, please indicate the percentage of use for each version (total should equal 100%):
Total : 0
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