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Census for Parents of Pre-School Kids on Scotland Island and in the Offshore Communities

Page One

The island community has been investing heavily in providing the best possible care for our beautiful island and offshore kids. By now, you have probably heard about the fantastic achievements this year that make our Kindy the special childcare facility it is.

Every year, we conduct a census to understand the needs of our parents and children for the coming year. As the island and offshore community is very small, it is important that every household is answering the following questions.
1. Do you have children under the age of five living in your household? *This question is required.
2. Please list the age of each child as of 1 January 2012. Also, add if any children are currently enrolled at our kindy, and if you plan to enroll them for 2012.
Space Cell Agecurrently enrolled ("yes")enrollment planned for 2012 ("yes")not sure about 2012 ("unsure")
Child 1
Child 2
Child 3
Child 4
3. Currently our Kindy is open Tuesday to Thursday from 7.30am to 5.30pm. We are considering opening on other days and times based on sufficient demand. What would be the ideal opening hours and days for you so you would enrol your child(ren)?
Space Cell yes/ no (day)from (time)to (time)
4. If there is not enough interest to extend opening days and hours, then the Kindy will continue to operate Tuesday to Thursday from 7.30am to 5.30pm. In that case, on which days would you enrol your child(ren) and how many?
Space Cell Number of children
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