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Please note that the purpose of this survey is to gain insight on mobile usage and better understand customer needs. All survey responses will be kept completely confidential and will only be reviewed by pplconnect as research.

(please indicate the highest level completed)
5. Which devices do you currently own and place them in order of importance? *This question is required. Order the items from the following list. First select an item with the spacebar to show a menu of possible ranking positions. Next, click a ranking position to order it in the ranked list. Note the menu will display more ordering options as you add items to the ranked list.
6. What do you do on this device?(please select all that apply)
10. Which 3 brands do you trust most with your information on the internet ?(please specify brand name and why)
11. Do you buy online?
(e.g. using pay pal, your credit card, etc.)
13. Please indicate which social media websites you frequent at least once a week ?(Please select all that apply)
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