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DIAGRAM Survey on Teaching with Accessible Image Description

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DIAGRAM Survey on Teaching with Accessible Image Description

This survey aims to gather information from educators who are tasked with providing accessible materials to students who are visually impaired. The information gathered will help illustrate how and if image description is currently used in the educational environment. The survey is purposefully brief, and limited to identifying needs in the field to more efficiently target training programs in the use of Poet, the DIAGRAM Center's open source, web-based image description tool.

Please complete each survey question with the answer that best describes your approach to providing accessible materials to students who are visually impaired.

1. In a typical semester (fall or spring), how many visually impaired students do you serve (on average) who require accessible educational materials? *This question is required.
2. In what capacity do you teach or provide alternate materials? *This question is required.
3. What subject matters do you typically teach or provide alternate materials for? Please select all that apply. *This question is required.
  • * This question is required.
4. Currently how do you typically represent visual images in educational materials to students who are visually impaired? Please rank the methods below, using 1 for the most used method, 2 for the next most used, and so on. You do not need to rank all items: Note: for the following table each column is restricted to a single answer across all rows.
5. Of all the materials you need to adapt for accessibility, how often do you feel the need to describe images?
6. Do you think students who are visually impaired could benefit from having images in course materials described so they may independently access the descriptions on their own?
7. Do you think descriptions of images in a digital textbook can enhance student learning?
8. To provide better accessible materials to students who are visually impaired, how could image description be most effectively used? Please rank the methods below, using 1 for the most effective method, 2 for the next most effective, and so on. You do not need to rank all items: Note: for the following table each column is restricted to a single answer across all rows.