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The SoCal Race Quiz

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1. How long is the bike portion of a Half Ironman distance triathlon?
2. The Beach Cities Challenge includes what three races?
3. The Carlsbad 5000 is known as the "Toughest" 5K in Southern California?
4. The Southern California Ragnar Relay starts and ends in which two cities?
5. The Los Angeles Championship and Sprint Triathlon Series takes place in what City?
6. What is the distance for the run portion of an Olympic Distance triathlon?
7. How many races are in the Camp Pendleton HARD CORPS 2012 Race Series?
8. The total mileage for a Full Ironman Triathlon is 140.6 miles?
9. Approximately how many miles would you run if you competed in the Brea 8K?
10. The L.A. Marathon has been around since...?
11. The Disneyland Half Marathon is run on what holiday weekend?
12. First event known as a "triathlon" in the Southern California area?
13. In what City would you find the Naples Island Swim races?
14. How many Turkey Trot's are listed on RaceGrader for Thanksgiving Day 2012?
15. In what City would you find the Grape Stomp Triathlon?
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