Terms and conditions

Pre-application meetings will be arranged free of charge for up to 2 hours of Council time - this includes research time relating to the project before or after the meeting, as well as the meeting itself. If further time is needed, you will be charged at the current hourly rate.

Pre-application meetings will be carried out using the information available at the time of the meeting. If the project description or information supplied in this pre-application changes, it may affect the Council’s view of your application.

A pre-application meeting is organised by the Council to help you through the building consent process. Formal decisions cannot be made during or on the basis of the pre-application meeting, and any guidance from the Council is in principle and not legally binding.

The Council will contact the nominated contact person within 5 working days of this Request for a Building Consent Pre-application Meeting being lodged to arrange a meeting time.

By submitting this form you are confirming that all required information has been filled out in full, and that you have read and understand the above terms and conditions. Any section not completed in full will result in your request for a pre-application meeting being declined. A new application will then need to be completed.
