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Time to FESS up! (trial)


1. How many serves of vegetables did you consume in the last 24 hours? *This question is required.One serve of vegetables is equivalent to half a cup in size or approximately a handful
2. How many serves of refined carbohydrates (lollies, chocolate, cake, biscuits, desserts, anything that tastes like there is sugar or white flour added) did you consume in the last 24 hours? *This question is required.A standard serving size as outlined on the package, a slice of cake, one biscuit, one slice of white bread or a restaurant sized portion of dessert.
3. How many standard drinks of alcohol did you consume in the last 24 hours? *This question is required.There is approximately 1.3 standard drinks in a stubby of full strength beer and 8 standard drinks in a 750mL bottle of wine.
4. Did you consume any fish or nuts in the last 24 hours? *This question is required.
5. Did you consume any processed meats in the last 24 hours? *This question is required.This includes ham, bacon, sausages or any bought ready to eat minced meat such as burgers
6. How much water did you consume in the last 24 hours? *This question is required.Please note this IS inclusive of water in tea/coffee etc.
7. Did you take your supplements and prescriptions as required? *This question is required.Please note, if you haven't been prescribed any supplements or prescriptions you should answer 'yes' to this question.
8. Did you consume any sugar sweetened drinks in the last 24 hrs? *This question is required.This includes soft drinks, fruit juice or the addition of sugar to tea/coffee etc.
9. Did you consume any "junk food" in the last 24 hours? *This question is required.This includes take away processed foods including hamburgers, pizza, hot chips, pies, pasties, hot dogs or anything fried.