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Colorado CyberKnife Doctor(s) List & Medical Records Release Authorization

Page One

1. Please provide us with a current list of doctors involved in your care.
2. Imaging studies performed with regard to this condition
4. I authorize the above named health care provider(s) to release information to Creekside Cancer Care, LLC DBA Colorado CyberKnife. The purpose for this release is continuance of care. Method of release shall be pertinent to the need and may include photocopies, fax copies, personal review, audio, video, electronic or verbal communication by appropriate practitioner. I understand that except for drug and alcohol treatment records, information disclosed under this authorization may be re-disclosed by the recipient and is no longer protected by privacy laws.

I understand that I may revoke this authorization at any time, except to the extent that action has already been taken place to comply with it. Without my expressed revocation, this authorization will automatically expire one year from the date of my signature.

A copy of this authorization (including a facsimile copy) may be used with the same effectiveness as the original.

Please type your name:

Please sign your name:

5. Signature Details
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