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Clean Cooking Loan Fund Application

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Please read the Call Guide before you begin. This can be found at: Note that this Registration Form has no 'Save and Resume' function. Please be prepared to fill out everything in one sitting.
7. Contact details: *This question is required.
9. Does the project disseminate improved cooking stoves (or fuels) for household use? Note that if the answer to this question is "No", you are not eligible for the CCLF and you should cease completing this Registration Form.
Questions 11 - 19 ask you to provide details of your stove model(s). You may add details of up to three stoves.
12. Please attach technical specifications or a picture of stove model 1.
Additional stove model(s) (if applicable)
15. Please attach technical specifications or a picture of stove model 2.
18. Please attach technical specifications or a picture of stove model 3.
For Question 26, the following definitions apply:
- LOW INCOME: people living above the poverty line established by the national government but below the national median income.
- POOR: people living below a recognized poverty line. Includes persons living below the poverty line established by the national government, or persons living on less than US $2.00 per day in daily per-capita expenditures at 1993 Purchasing Power Parity (PPP).
- VERY POOR: people living below a recognized absolute extreme poverty line. Includes persons in the bottom 50% of those living below the poverty line established by the national government or persons living on less than US $1.00 per day (technically US $1.08 per day per capita at 1993 Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) or on less than US $1.25 per day at 2005 PPP).
- RURAL: Rural areas are characterized by low population densities with a strong presence of a farm economy. Use guidelines as defined by the area’s national government.
- URBAN: Urban areas are characterized by higher population density and vast human features in comparison to areas surrounding it. Use guidelines as defined by the area’s national government.
26. Please describe the type of consumers predominantly targeted by this project (select all that apply):
Questions 27 - 35 relate to the test results of your stove model(s). You may add details of up to three stoves.
28. Has the stove been tested by an independent third party, based on IWA tiers of performance?
Space Cell Not testedTier 1Tier 2Tier 3 or higher
Indoor Emissions
29. Please attach official testing results in ISO IWA reporting template.
Additional stove models (if applicable)
31. Has the stove been tested by an independent third party, based on IWA tiers of performance?
Space Cell Not testedTier 1Tier 2Tier 3 or higher
Indoor Emissions
32. Please attach official testing results in ISO IWA reporting template.
34. Has the stove been tested by an independent third party, based on IWA tiers of performance?
Space Cell Not testedTier 1Tier 2Tier 3 or higher
Indoor Emissions
35. Please attach official testing results in ISO IWA reporting template.
36. Please state which country your key project activities will be located in. If there is more than 1 country, please specify which country the pilot project will be hosted in.
37. Has the project established proof of concept (understood here as the project idea having been successfully tested in a specific market)? Specifically, proof of concept is established when demand has been identified for the given technology at the given price point and when the business model designed to meet this demand is deemed to become viable in the medium term (2-3 years).
38. Does the project dissemination strategy require selling the stove below cost (incl. manufacture, distribution and sales costs)?
39. If so, please specify the amount of the subsidy as a % of the customer selling price per unit.
40. What is the expected scale of CO2 reductions per year?