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Wireless Earphones

Product Satisfaction

This is my new Wireless Earphone design/product It is a totally wire free music environment. The stylish design is complimented by great sound quality and untralightweight design, capable of going anywhere with you! The wireless earphones can then be charged wirelessly on a charging base that boasts futuristic designs and built in speakers. These earphones can be linked to any smartphone and worn in any environment, building the way for future earphones!
1. Please indicate if you agree or disagree with the following statements
Space Cell Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly Agree
Product is Innovative
Product appeals to me
Product is better than other products on the market
Product is easy to use
2. How interested would you be in buying this product?
Not Interested
234Completely Interested
4. How likely are you to recommend these wireless earphones to a friend or co-worker?
Will not recommend
234I will recommend
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