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Dissertation Survey

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Pathways of Cognitive Integration and Their Effect on Vicarious Posttraumatic Growth

Investigator: Brooke Morse-Karzen, B.A.

You are being asked to participate in a research study. Please take your time to read the information below and feel free to contact me with any questions you may have before continuing.

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore how using different strategies for thinking about potentially distressing material can lead to positive change.

Procedures: Participants will be asked to reflect on their experiences and answer two sets of multiple choice questions, five free response questions, and a brief demographics section. These questions are concerned with how one has approached thinking about potentially distressing material and focusing on one’s resulting reactions. The survey is estimated to take approximately 15 minutes.

Risks to Participants: As participants are asked to consider the positive change that may or may not have occurred as a result of their experiences the risks of the study are minimal. However, personal reflection may have the potential to bring up material that can cause emotional distress. You have the option to exit the survey at any time with no penalty. You will also be provided with contact information for supportive resources in the event that you do experience distress.

Benefits to Participants: You will not directly benefit from this study. However, it is hoped that this survey will provide an opportunity for personal reflection on one’s experiences and benefit society in our understanding of how to approach and think about one’s experiences in a manner that facilitates growth.

Alternatives to Participation: Participation in this study is voluntary and you may withdraw from the study at any time without penalty.

Confidentiality: Answers to survey questions are anonymous as no identifying information is collected. The data is password protected, stored in an encrypted database, and will be reported on a group rather than individual basis.

Questions/Concerns: If you have questions concerning your rights in this research study you may contact the Institutional Review Board (IRB), which is concerned with the protection of subjects in research projects. You may reach the IRB office Monday-Friday by calling 312.467.2343 or writing: Institutional Review Board, The Chicago School of Professional Psychology, 325 North Wells, Chicago, Illinois, 60654. For questions about the study please contact me at or 847.924.3153. This study is supervised by Dr. Laura Benton who can be reached via email at


The research project and the procedures have been explained to me. I agree to participate in this study. My participation is voluntary and I do not have to sign this form if I do not want to be a part of this research project. I also verify that I am at least 18 years of age.

1. Consent *This question is required.