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How much do you know about oil, gas, and mining?

1. Which country is the 4th largest gold producer in Africa?
Many families in Burkina Faso resort to artisanal gold mining, using very basic tools. The gold needs to be separated from the dusty earth or extracted from the rock. What they will find will usually allow them to buy just a dish of millet per day. Photo: Andy Hall/ Oxfam Great Britain

Correct! Many see gold mining as a way for Burkina Faso to overcome its history of poverty and inequality. For a start, citizens are asking mining companies to pay more to the communities where they are mining gold so that these profits can be invested in services and infrastructure. But the expansion of gold mining in Burkina Faso has proceeded faster than mining reforms. Find out more about Oxfam’s work there.

Many families in Burkina Faso resort to artisanal gold mining, using very basic tools. The gold needs to be separated from the dusty earth or extracted from the rock. What they will find will usually allow them to buy just a dish of millet per day. Photo: Andy Hall/ Oxfam Great Britain

 Incorrect! The correct answer is Burkina Faso, where many see gold mining as a way to overcome a history of poverty and inequality. For a start, citizens are asking mining companies to pay more to the communities where they are mining gold so that these profits can be invested in services and infrastructure. But the expansion of gold mining in Burkina Faso has proceeded faster than mining reforms. Find out more about Oxfam’s work there.