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Personal Beliefs and Attitudes_H



Personal Beliefs and Attitudes
Principal Investigator
: Harry T. Reis, Ph.D.
Co-Investigator: Karisa Lee

This form describes a research study that is being conducted by Harry T. Reis and Karisa Lee, from the University of Rochester's Department of Clinical and Social Sciences in Psychology.

The purpose of this study is to learn more about people's personal beliefs and attitudes. 

If you decide to take part in this study, you will be asked to complete a questionnaire asking questions about a variety of your personal beliefs and attitudes. We estimate that approximately 2500 subjects will take part in this study. Your participation will last about 25 minutes. 

The risks of participation are minimal. Some of the questions may make you feel uncomfortable. You can skip any of the questions you do not want to answer. To protect the confidentiality of the data, data will be transmitted in an encrypted format (readable only to authorized personnel). There are no expected benefits.

You will not be paid for participating in this study. There will be no cost to you to participate in this study.

The University of Rochester makes every effort to keep the information collected from you private. In order to do so, URL and IP addresses will be deleted once recruitment is complete. Email addresses are not linked to subject data in any way. Sometimes, however, researchers need to share information that may identify you with people that work for the University, regulators or the study sponsor. If this does happen we will take precautions to protect the information you have provided. Results of the research may be presented at meetings or in publications, without any reference to you.

Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. You are free not to participate or withdraw at any time, for whatever reason.

For more information or questions about this research you may contact Karisa Lee at (585) 273-3271 and Please contact the University of Rochester Research Subjects Review Board at 265 Crittenden Blvd., CU 420315, Rochester, NY 14642, Telephone (585) 276-0005 or (877) 449-4441 for the following reasons:
  • You wish to talk to someone other than the research staff about your rights as a research subject;
  • To voice concerns about the research; 
  • To provide input concerning the research process;
  • In the event the study staff could not be reached.
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