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The ABC-Foot Survey plain language statement

The ABC-Foot Survey: Assessment of Beliefs and Clinical practice for Foot Osteoarthritis

Centre for Health, Exercise and Sports Medicine
Department of Physiotherapy, Melbourne School of Health Sciences
The University of Melbourne


Plain Language Statement 

We invite you to participate in our research project and would like to give you some background information on why we think this project is important and on what we would like you to do if you decide to join us in this research.

What is the purpose of the study?
The purpose of this study is to describe podiatrists’ and physiotherapists’ current management of people with foot osteoarthritis, and to explore their views and experiences concerning their role in treating this patient group. As you may know, foot osteoarthritis is very common. This research will help us to better understand the clinical practice of podiatrists and physiotherapists regarding foot osteoarthritis, and about the different treatment approaches they use when managing patients with this condition. The results of this study will help to direct further research to develop and evaluate interventions for people with foot osteoarthritis.   

Who can participate?
Qualified podiatrists and physiotherapists who are registered to practice are eligible to participate. Those podiatrists and physiotherapists who have seen at least one case of foot osteoarthritis in the last 6 months are eligible to complete the full questionnaire.
What does the project involve?
The project consists of completion of a cross-sectional questionnaire (i.e. one questionnaire only). The questionnaire should take approximately 15 minutes to complete. If you agree to take part, the questionnaire may be completed online via the web link provided to you. Alternatively, you may ask the researchers for a paper copy of the questionnaire to be posted to you with a prepaid return envelope. If you do not treat people with foot osteoarthritis, you will only need to answer the first question to indicate this. This is a survey, not a test, therefore it is important that when completing the questionnaire you answer each question honestly. Respondents will be entered in the draw to win an iPad mini if they indicate they wish to do so. If you agree to further contact, you may be invited to take part in an interview to explore the management of this patient population in more detail.
Are there any potential side effects or benefits of taking part?
We do not foresee any side effects for participants. Taking part will allow you to tell us about your views and experiences of treating older adults with foot osteoarthritis. The results will help to understand the rationale for current treatment approaches for this patient group, as well as inform future research in this field.
What if I have any concerns during the study?
The researchers will be available throughout the study if you have any questions, and may be contacted on (03) 8344 0425. This project has been approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee of the University of Melbourne. If you have concerns about the way the study is being conducted you should contact the Executive Officer, Human Research Ethics, The University of Melbourne, Victoria 3010 via phone on (03) 8344 2073 or fax (03) 9347 6739.
Can I withdraw from the study if I wish?
Your participation in this study is voluntary. If you do not wish to take part you are under no obligation to do so. Also, if you decide to take part but later change your mind, you are free to withdraw from the project at any stage. You may also withdraw any unprocessed data previously supplied by you and you may decline to answer any part(s) of the questionnaire.
Will my details be kept confidential?
No personal identifiable information will be collected in the survey so none will be stored as data. The exception to this is for those who choose to provide contact details so they may take part in further research following on from this survey or those who consent to enter the draw to win an iPad Mini. These contact details will not be used for any purpose other than that explained here. To ensure complete anonymity, we have selected to disable IP address collection (i.e. information regarding the physical computer location) for our questionnaire on the website.
For participants completing the paper version of the survey, the responses will be transferred to an electronic file and the hardcopy stored in a locked filing cabinet in the Principal Researcher’s office. The electronic file will be stored on the researcher’s password-protected computer.
For participants completing the survey online, an external website will be used to collect the survey data. Surveygizmo, a web-based survey company located in the USA, manage the website and the responses you provide will be stored on a host server that is used by Surveygizmo. Once we have completed our data collection, the data will be imported via a secure connection to the fully password-protected and firewalled University server and the data on the Surveygizmo host server will then be deleted. All data will be securely stored for a minimum of 5 years following publication of results.
All data and results will be handled in a strictly confidential manner, under guidelines set out by the National Health and Medical Research Council. The principal investigator is responsible for maintaining this confidentiality. This project is subject to the requirements of the Human Research Ethics Committee of the University of Melbourne. However, you must be aware that there are legal limitations to data confidentiality.
How do I get more information?
You should ask for any further information that you require. If you would like more information about the study, or if there is any matter about it that concerns you, either now or in the future, do not hesitate to ask one of the researchers.
Will I be given the results of the study?
Once we have completed data collection and analysis, we can send you a summary of the overall results if you wish. If you would like to receive this information, please email the Principal Researcher. Depending on when you enrol in the study, the results may not be available for several months as it is anticipated that the study will take approximately one year to complete.

To begin the survey, please click here.
About the researchers:
Dr Kade Paterson is an experienced Podiatrist and a biomechanist and Post-doctoral Research Fellow with the Centre for Health, Exercise and Sports Medicine in the Department of Physiotherapy at The University of Melbourne.
Professor Kim Bennell is an experienced Physiotherapist and Director of the Centre for Health, Exercise and Sports Medicine in the Department of Physiotherapy at The University of Melbourne.
Associate Professor Rana Hinman is an experienced physiotherapist and Director or Research at the Centre for Health, Exercise and Sports Medicine in the Department of Physiotherapy at The University of Melbourne.
Professor Hylton Menz is an experienced podiatrist and Leader of the Lower Extremity and Gait Studies Program at La Trobe University.

To contact any of the researchers, please telephone 8344 0425