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Intelligent Cranium Helmets Questionnaire

ICH Intro

Intelligent Cranium Helmets Questionnaire
Thank you so much for volunteering to be part of the Intelligent Cranium Helmets (ICH) team by participating in this vital survey. This survey asks about helmet features, riding experience, demographic information as well as general opinions regarding safety.  All of this information is very important to the ICH team and our ability to provide you and millions of other riders with a product that is truly built from your preferences and suggestions.

As with all ICH surveys, your response to this survey, or any individual question on the survey, is completely voluntary. You will not be individually identified and your responses will be used for statistical purposes only.  If you have questions about your rights as a participant in this survey, or are dissatisfied at any time with any aspect of the survey, you may contact – anonymously, if you wish - the ICH team at or 571-403-1311.

Note: This survey should take between 10-15 minutes to complete.
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