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Learning in Afterschool & Summer (LIAS) Self-Assessment - Program Leaders


How well is your program aligned to the LIAS learning principles?
This self-assessment survey can be used to reflect on how well your afterschool or summer program is aligned with the LIAS learning principles: learning that is ACTIVE, COLLABORATIVE, MEANINGFUL, SUPPORTS MASTERY, AND EXPANDS HORIZONS. These research-based learning principles are embedded in most program quality instruments (after each assessment question, we reference the appropriate California Quality Standards for Expanded Learning Programs).

How to use this survey
This survey is designed to assist program leaders in identifying areas for program improvement, as aligned with the LIAS learning principles. After filling out and submitting the self-assessment survey, we will email back the answers of your survey and provide comments and recommendations (if you provide your email address on question #6). Your individual responses and email address are confidential and will not be shared with others.

The best way to assess your program
This program leader’s survey is designed as a self-reflection tool for individual program leaders. If you are serious about assessing your program's alignment with the LIAS learning principles, we can work with you at no or minimal charge to allow your program staff and/or your youth participants to take a customized survey online. After this is complete, LIAS will email you back a report on the surveys submitted and provide you with recommendations and how to access further program improvement support. If you wish to learn more about this option, contact us at
1. Which of the following choices best describes what you do?
  • * This question is required.
2. My program serves the following:
  • * This question is required.
3. Which CDE Region do you serve?
4. What are your primary funding sources?
  • * This question is required.
5. How many young people are served in the program at any one time?
This question requires a valid email address.
7. Do you want to receive more information or resources from the Learning in Afterschool & Summer (LIAS) Project? If yes, you must answer question #6.
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