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Music Programming Survey - August 2015


1. How did you first discover KUNC?
2. When you tune into KUNC, you tune in primarily for:
3. If KUNC's news/talk was available as a full-time station would you listen regularly, occasionally or never?
4. If KUNC's music was available as a full-time station would you listen regularly, occasionally or never?
5. What is your favorite KUNC program? (Check all that apply)
6. In a typical week do you listen to KUNC Music...
7. When you're not listening to KUNC for music, where else do you turn to for music? (Check All That Apply)
8. Are you aware that you can stream KUNC from an app for smartphones and tablets?
9. How do you listen to KUNC ? (Check All That Apply)
10. Have you noticed any changes to KUNC Music in the past six months?
11. Have the changes you've notice to KUNC Music made the mix...
12. Do you think KUNC Music has too much, not enough or about the right amount of the following:
Space Cell Too MuchNot EnoughRight Amount
Music from local artists
Information about music and events
New or current music
Familiar music
Older, classic music
Local concert, event info
Music from emerging artists
Unfamiliar music
Music from established artists
13. Please indicate if you agree or disagree with the following statements about KUNC Music
Space Cell AgreeDisagreeDon\'t know
I would recommend KUNC music to a friend
I have attended at least one KUNC Music sponsored event
KUNC Music is too SOFT for my tastes
KUNC Music is too HARD for my tastes
KUNC plays too many songs I don't know
KUNC repeats music too often
Are you hearing too much classic rock?
Are you hearing too much new music?
KUNC Music is my primary source for discovering music
The KUNC Music mix is just right the way it is
14. Which best describes your age group? *This question is required.
15. What is your gender? *This question is required.
16. Which best describes your highest received degree or education level? *This question is required.
18. Are you a supporting member of KUNC? (either sustaining or one-time)
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