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Healthy Breakfast as The Start of Day

About Having Breakfast

We are conducting a survey to collect information about how Malaysian feel about the importance of breakfast and the acceptability of the concept of breakfast café that provide a healthier choice of meal.

This short survey will take only 6 minutes. We respect your privacy and your details will remain anonymous. 

About Having Breakfast - to let us know your breakfast habits

No matter what you eat, be it a yogurt and fruit parfait, oatmeal, pancakes, or eggs and bacon, there’s no arguing that breakfast is an important meal. Eating a morning meal helps keep us healthy, both mentally and physically.
1. How important do you think to have healthy breakfast everyday? *This question is required.
Very importantSomehow importantNot that importantNot important at all
2. How important is convenience when you want to have your breakfast? *This question is required.
Very importantSomehow importantNot that importantNot important at all
3. How important is price to you when choosing your breakfast? *This question is required.
Very importantSomehow importantNot that importantNot important at all
4. How often do you take breakfast? *This question is required.
5. How much time do you usually spend on having your breakfast? *This question is required.
6. Where do you usually have your breakfast? *This question is required.
7. What type of food do you normally eat on breakfast? *This question is required.
8. How much do you spend for breakfast usually (RM)? *This question is required.If more than RM10, please select RM11.
9. Are you willing to pay a little bit more for a healthier breakfast option? *This question is required.
If yes, how much are you willing to pay for a healthier breakfast meal (RM)? *This question is required.