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Potential Partner Preferences


Welcome to the Potential Partner Preferences Survey! This is a space for your chapter to share your interests and preferences about your future partnership with Tess and Nourish staff. The information we get from this survey will allow us to direct you toward potential partner organizations that could be a good match for your chapter's unique culture and skills.

Please be aware that, as much as we try to take your preferences into consideration, we cannot promise that you will be paired with a partner that fits all of your expressed preferences and we thank you for maintaining your flexibility and positive outlook on the process.

Please submit this survey by Monday, September 12 (semester schools) or Monday, October 10 (quarter schools). Tess will contact you by the following week to talk about next steps for contacting potential partners.

Please email Tess, our International Partnerships Coordinator, at for more questions.
3. Your role in the chapter *This question is required.
6. Are you a new chapter this year? *This question is required.
7. Has your chapter ever been in an international partnership and done a project? *This question is required.
7. Please indicate your chapter's preferred region or country of partnership (you can choose more than one). *This question is required.
8. Select the impact area(s) on which your chapter would like to focus a project *This question is required.
9. Which is a higher priority to your chapter - region or impact area?  *This question is required.
12. What range are potential project interns at your school likely to be comfortable spending (out of pocket) for their expenses on the project? This generally includes travel, accommodations, food, visas, vaccinations, and sundry expenses. *This question is required.
13. What accommodation types are ideal for you?
14. What year in school are the majority of your chapter members? 
17. Are you interested in collaborating with another chapter on your partnership? *This question is required.