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2015-16 Repeat Partnership Project Plan


The purpose of the Repeat Partnership Project Plan is to build upon a partnership between a Nourish International Chapter and an international partner organization that has been established for a minimum of 2 years.  This form will provide an opportunity to reflect on the last year of partnership and make an action plan for your next year of work together.

Please answer all questions to the best of your ability before submitting this form.  You can save this form at any time and continue it later by clicking "Save and Continue" at the top of the page you're on.  

Repeat Partnership Project Plans must be submitted by the following deadline:
Semester Schools: Monday, October 19, 2015
Quarter Schools: Monday, November 16, 2015

This document, once approved, conveys a Nourish Chapter and partner organization's commitments to one another for the 2015-2016 school year.  Please fill it out clearly and honestly in order to have the most productive relationship in the coming years.  The Project, timeline and expectations provided here should align with the Chapter's plans for raising funds and recruiting a team of student interns.  The execution of this plan will require continuous communication throughout the year to create a mutually beneficial experience for both the Chapter and partner, resulting in the impact that Nourish and the partner community aim to achieve together.