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Golf Course Income and Expense Survey


Welcome to the Tippecanoe County Assessor's Office Golf Course Income and Expense Survey!  We are asking property owners of local golf courses to complete this survey in order to help us create the most fair and equitable property assessments.  

Mass appraisal property valuation requires that we acquire information from multiple sources regarding the various factors that may affect a property’s valuation. The data derived from those factors is then applied equitably across similar property types to ensure a fair and balanced approach to assessed valuation for taxing purposes.  Our office believes that working in a collaborative effort with local experts to source data on our market will ensure transparent and equitable assessed values for commercial/industrial properties.

To that end, the Assessor's Office requests that your most recent Income Tax Return be uploaded during this survey.  Any other additional information you can provide, such as a Profit and Loss/Operating Statement, IRS Schedule E, Form 8825, Form 1065, or other operating statements will greatly facilitate the development of equalized and accurate assessments for this property type. 

Any information provided in this survey will be confidential, with only the analysis based on the averages of the aggregate data to be made available for public consumption. Data collected from this survey will be used only to develop income modeling for assessment purposes.